Sam and alex

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Sam please tell me you see that girl
Dean dude we are  on a case
Sam and she a witness
Dean then go knock your self out
Sam fine
Alex hey
Sam hey
Alex let me guess you need me to tell you  everything and  then tell me I'm crazy
Sam well not gotta tell you your crazy I'm a different type of cop so try me
Alex ok are you a hunter
Sam well dammit you know me already
Alex you want to go get drinks
Sam why not
Dean just rolls his eyes at his little brother
Sam your adorable you know that
Alex honestly I've herd that two many times
A lot  of the times the emo thing scares them away  but it dosent   To you
Sam  well hun I am a hunter it takes a lot to scare me away
Alex well then I will do what I have done with ever hunter that's walks my way
Sam ask questions
Alex damm your good
Sam probably because I do the same thing
Alex alright. Family business or just want to
Sam family business
Alex ever slept with a demon
Sam chokes on his beer sadly yes
Alex Same dude
They both laugh
Dean at the bunker
Cas well what happens if he gets together with. This Girl
Dean would not give a fuck because it's better then fucking Becky
Cas haha Hahaha haha  hated her that damm much
Dean yes  she  druged him cas
Cas Hahaha
Sam hey Alex you got somewhere to go tonight
Alex no not really
Sam come on I have a place you can go
Alex where
Sam me and my brother we live in the men of letters bunker and you can live there  if you  want
Alex well only if I can have you
Sam well now you're getting fearless
Sam but hell yeah you can have me
Alex hell yeah
Sam ok I got to see where my brother is
Alex ok
Sam hey dean where are you
Dena at the roadhouse
Sam ok I'm taking Alex to the bunker she has nowhere to go
Dean ok dont Get in trouble
Sam your a jerk bye
Alex just looking out the window listening to her music
Sam who you listening to
Alex oh why don't we what am I
Sam girl hook up to Bluetooth and play music
Alex your mine  no  one gets you because your mine
Sam I know
We are here
Alex ok
Sam thoughts
Damm I think I love her
I mean look at her she amazing and damm she  adorable
Alex thoughts
Damm I love him  I wonder if he loves me too it's hard to tell
Sam come on and get your stuff so you can move in
Alex coming
Dean pulls in later  that night
Sam shouting the door behind him
Dean hey
Sam jumps shit  Dean
Dean sorry  was she asleep
Sam  yes leave her alone she mine
Dean well she better then Becky so I could care less
Sam me

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