Sam and alex are getting merry

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Alex and Sam are the first one to there beach wedding

Alex I have to get ready don't I
Sam yeah I see  you later
Alex gets up with her bridesmaids
Before Alex closes the door she already in tears
Alex  this is not how I plan
Jo it's not how anyone plans
Saf hun I get it  when I got merry
Alex ok pull your self together
Sam and dean talking in there room
Sam what the hell am I doing
Dean last time I check you are getting merry
Tyler yeah that's what I thought when I  got merry to saf
Dean I love how y'all are getting merry on the beach at like 12:00 am
Sam hey it's her wedding I just went with it
6 hours later
Saf ok you ready Alex
Alex no
Saf take a breath and think ok I'm doing this and don't worry about the people out there ok
Alex got it
Alex walks down the a'll
Sam thoughts
Don't cry don't cry
Dean shit Sammy don't cry
Saf Sam don't cry because she will cry
Bobby as the preacher
Bobby do your vowls I'm too old for this
Dean well  damm Bobby tell us how you feel
Alex I don't have words to put my love for you since the moment you look over and my heart fell for you
Sam  the moment I saw you I was on a case and was probably hungover or cover in blood but I saw you and I knew I had found a place for my heart
Bobby you may kiss the bride
Sam and Alex got merry with Gerard at Alex feet
Dean notices that Ellen is trying to fight off Becky
Dean this bitch I swear
Dean pulls out his knife and pulls Becky out side
Dean really you can't let him be happy go just go before I stab you
Becky no
Dean you ask for it.
Dean stabs  Becky
Jo really
Dean hey no one is gotta ruin this for my brother
Sam and Alex dance to a thousand years for the first dance
then Alex and Sam and dean and jo all go home exhausted

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