Update on whats happening

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So this is me the writer so if you are confused on what's happening  then stick around if you know what's happening then you can skip this part I'm going to do this every once  in a while with my longer books

Ok so basically dean went on a two week hunt and he told Sammy not to hook up with his wife Alex and they did so dean came home and found  Sam and Alex shirts on the floor with there guns and knifes that tick dean off
Dean went off on Sammy. And Sammy took him Alex and there dog Gerard yes after the person in mcr  and before that dean hit Alex with a glass bottle when she tried to get away from him  hotel room and then cas try's to get them to come back home but they snuck out and went to Alex place and are staying there with there dog Gerard and jack came because Ellen witch they call mom
Said that she thought dean was possessed and he was they got the demon out of  dean dean would not wake up at first and then he did and Alex will not go back because  when Dean was possessed he thrown a bottle and it cuts Alex arm so she is so scared of the bunker and dean so Sam gose there to see his brother  and then he comes back to Alex who is asleep in the couch and puts her to bed and they cuddle and fall asleep then Sam wakes up and Alex is gone
So he calls dean and dean says he has not seen or herd from her and Ellen also has not seen her so  Sam is worry about his world Alex is Sammy world so he keeps looking and they  taught Gerard to track one of them and Gerard the dog leads Sam to where him and Alex went on there first date and she had a bleeding eye and Sam fix her up and ask why she left  and she said I was going on a hunt and she knew she did know not to go alone but she did and was basically so hurt and broken by what dean had done that if she died she died no one could bring her back and she would be gone and Sammy hug her and said well I'm here baby and don't worry you and dean will learn to have trust in each other again

That's a summary of what's happening

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