Sex ,lies ,heartbrakes

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Sam gets a call from dean
Sam and Alex stop making out and Sam answers
Sam dean
Jo no this jo
Sam is dean ok
Alex stops dead In her tracks
Sam puts it on speaker
Sam what happened
Jo he got attack by a demon
Alex how
Jo crying trying to call y'all we just got back to his hotel room and saw him in the floor with his finger on Sammy in his contacts
Sam so is he alive do I need to send cas Like what do I have to do
Jo send cas
Sam on it
Sam hang up and calls cas
Cas hello
Sam hi hey get to dean and fix him
Cas I'm on it
Sam thanks bye
Alex looks at Sam
Sam god now I feel bad
Alex why
Sam I told him we wouldn't have sex why he was gone
Alex and we did
Sam yeah don't get me wrong was fucking amazing
Alex takes Sammy hand and leads him towards the bed
Sam no
Alex come on let's cuddle and wait for a answer about dean
Sam ok takes off his shirt and climbs into bed with Alex
Alex cuddles up to Sam and they wait for a answer on dean
Sam and Alex finally give in and fall asleep
Sam wakes up to his phone ringing
And answers it

Dean hey Sammy
Sam your ok
Dean yeah
Dean now we are coming home tomorrow don't make me kill you
Sam looking at sleeping Alex in his arms
Sam yeah yeah but it's hard to not want to have sex with her
Dean yeah but she a angel
Sam well you kinda had sex with a angel too
Dean we don't talk about Anna ok
Sam you just don't want to Amit
Dean shut it but seriously don't have sex with Alex
Sam no promises and hangs up
Alex rolls over and Sam pulls her closer to him
Alex yes baby
Sam Dean is ok and there coming home tomorrow and Dean doesn't want us having sex
Alex good and ok and screw you dean
Sam kissing Alex that's my girl
Alex pulls her self on Sam and they kiss the night away

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