Alex memory wall

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Alex over the years has gather photos of her and dean and Sammy she finally has to take them down after her and Sam move she dosent trust dean  but she still loves looking back on the memories with her and Sam and Dean
She hangs up the ones form the wedding and then hangs up the ones she took with Gerard  when they go somewhere she has to take a picture she laughs at the one where Sam took her and Gerard to a water fall and Sam thrown Gerard in the water fall  as she is hanging them up  Sam runs in and grabs her 

Sam I have caught  a Alex in her natural habitat
Alex yeah but Alex has gotten free
Gerard barks when Sam plays with Alex
Sam what you gotta. Dog  stick them up  stick up
Alex takes another picture of Sam playing with the dog
Alex you like it
Sam looks at the wall of photos
Sam wow you take a lot of photos
Alex yeah
Sam laughs at the one where he threw Gerard at  the water fall
Alex yeah I have some from the wedding up there
Sam yeah as he attacks Alex to the floor
Gerard runs and jumps on Sam
Sam I have been attack by a wild Gerard
Alex laughs as she hears someone at the door
Sam get it
Alex answers hello
Jo someone broke into the roadhouse
Sam sits up what
Jo why did Sam just come out of nowhere
Alex he random have you met his brother
Jo sadly yes
Alex mood
Sam ok yeah my brother is a dumass but like what happened to the roadhouse
Jo I was going  in to help mom and I come in and there glass everywhere I don't where mom is
Sam shit
Alex babe is everything ok
Sam yeah hang on I'm going to make a call
Jo as Sam is walking away  is this a really good time to make a call
Alex gose back to hanging up pictures why she waits for Sammy
Jo nice pictures
Alex thanks
Sam phone call
S dean you got to get to the roadhouse
Dean why Sammy
S Jo said that someone or something broke in and that she can't fine mom 
Dean ok I'm on my way tell jo to meet me there
Dean and jo have barly spoke after the brake up
Sam comes back in jo meet dean at the roadhouse and  me and Alex will go see if we  can find  mom 
Jo ok
Alex are we sure we want to leave them together  with guns and knifes
Sam yeah they will be fine the brake up was three years ago
Alex ok

To be continued

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