Can sam save a emo girl from her past

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Everything finally catches up to Alex and she realizes that she has nowhere to go if the Winchester do her wrong

Alex hey babe
Sam yeah
Alex this is stupid but you guys would never just do me and jo wrong right?
Sam  hell no
Dean and jo fighting
Sam well shit
Sam goes out there to break up yet another fight between jo and dean
Sam HEY  stop both of you
Sam Jo go to the roadhouse with the dog
Sam dean go to your room
Sam walks back In to the room
Alex just upset at this point
Sam  crawls into bed and cuddles Alex
Sam thoughts
We need to get out of this bunker we can't stay here
He realize that Alex is crying and can't help but cuddle her and the dog
Alex cuddles the dog and Sam  and cry's
Sam just lays there thinking that they need to move or jo and dean need to move
Alex thoughts
What the hell me  our wedding is in three days
What are we supposed to do with them
Sam hey it's ok
Alex cuddles closer with Sam
Sam hear dean walking around
Sam shit this son of a bitch
Sam lays Alex down with Gerard
Sam walks out softly shutting the door behind him
Sam what the hell dude one minute you guys are fine the next minute you want to kill each other
Dean I don't know even what we were  fighting  about
Sam well you guys need to figure it out or me and Alex are moving  out
Dean why
Sam dude she just cry on me for like 20 minutes sorry but that's not the girl I want to merry
Sam our wedding is in three days  I can't get merry and make sure your not gotta kill your girlfriend all at the same time
Dean I know
Sam fitgure it out please don't keep putting Alex though hell again  I move her in because this could be her escape   her life 

Dean we will don't you and Alex need to do something

Sam. No it's tomorrow. I'm hoping her mcr wedding dress comes in today

Jo runs in to hug dean
Dean there my girl
Jo I can't stay mad at you
Dean and I can't stay mad at you

Sam walks back in to Alex and his room
And cuddles her and they fall asleep

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