Alex and sam go out with there wedding party

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Alex hey saf
Saf yeah
Alex you want to go out with me and Sam and Taylor
Saf hell yeah
Alex let's go then
Tay  hey saf come on
Saf I'm coming
Alex where we going
Sam well it's just us four and I have something plan
Saf Alex do you know this thing
Alex no and I'm a little scared
They pull up to a field
Alex babe what are we doing
Sam you'll see
It lights up and Sam and Alex and saf and tay step on it
Alex what the hell
Tay takes saf hands as she is Volging 
Saf and tay start dancing
Sam takes Alex start dancing
Then they see headlights and they all fall in the felid
Sam fuck who is here
Alex shhh
Sam  shhh Alex
Dean Sammy Alex saf tay
Sam stands up what the hell dean
Dean come on we got to go to jodys
Sam your kiddy right
Dean she said that we needed to get there now so let's go
Alex Sam go I will stay with saf and Taylor
Dean no she said you needed to come too
Alex what I haven't met her
Dean just come on saf and tay go back to the bunker jo is there
Saf ok
Alex anxiety kicks in and she  stress
Sam hey Alex. You know your gotta be ok
Alex yeah
Dean realizes what he has done and turns on mcr to see if that will calm her down
Dean were here
Jody boys
Dean Hey Jody
Sam hey Jody this is my wife Alex
Alex grips Gerard leash
Jody hugs Alex
Jody Hey come in boys  I hope you can help
Sam what happened
Jody so you know  how I was watching over Alex
Dean yeah?
Jody she gone
Dean and Sam WHAT

To be continued

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