Wait alex is a demon angel

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The boys got a call saying that Alex has died when she got her gut tore up the boys didn't think about it she was right there they played it off as nothing

Sam thoughts
Wait what if she not my wife what if she a demon replace her
No that's crazy she great she fine
Dean she the badass that we know and she not acting like a demon I mean she can be bitchy like a demon but the girl is around us 24/7 she learn not to trust anyone and well that got us here
Sam still has nightmares to this night that he turn around and saw his wife on the ground cover in blood and her not responding to him or dean how they pick her up and rush her to the hunter er but she did code what if she did die but then was a demon angel omg I actually have a angel
Sam  babe
Alex yeah
Dean come here
Sam worry of what  dean is going to  do
Alex babe you coming
Sam yeah
Dean I won't do anything I'm just going to ask her questions
Sam fuck were screwed
Dean Alex I'm going to ask you some questions ok
Alex ok ?
Sam babe it's fine
Dean when you and Sam meet
Alex 12/20/17
Sam really
Dean shut it
Alec I'm sorry what's going on
Sam dean thinks your a demon angel
Alex why
Dean because you died in the hospital and then your back it just doesn't add up
Alex your right
Walks by dean and dean falls to the floor and Alex takes off
Sam DEAN cas fix  him i gonna get Alex
Cas ok
Sam finds Alex curled up and crying
Sam gives puppy eyes and runs up
Sam babe come home it's pouring rain
Alex no
Sam cuddles up  to Alex and Alex puts her wings around Sam
Sam you are a angel
Alex demon angel please don't leave me
Sam babe not in a millen years will I leave you
Sam but let's go home
Sam picks up Alex and carry her home
Sam puts her to bed with her dog Gerard
Sam night babe
Sam goes to see dean and tells him
Sam dean she. A demon angel
Dean well shit
Sam but she not leaving
Dean who said she had to leave it's cas you better be worry about
Sam will you talk to him
Dean yeah Sammy you better get some rest
Sam good night jerk
Dean good night bitch

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