spoiling the dogs

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Alex wakes up and cuddles Sam who at this point is a little hangover
Alex you alive
Sam hell no
Alex well let's go spoil the dog Gerard
Sam I love you because you name it after mcr
Alex  I know
Alex let's go
Sam ok come on Gerard
Sam graps his new key for baby
Looks in dean and jo room and see's there still asleep with there dog
Sam Hey hang on Alex I'm gotta leave a note when dean gets up
Sam writing a note
Sam note

Hey dean we left to go spoil out dog
Love Sammy and Alex

Sam let's go Alex picks up Gerard
And takes him to baby
Sam we are here
Alex yes I made a leash well kinda
Sam Come here
Let's just put him in  the basket
Alex makes sense
Sam here Gerard
Employee hello welcome hey can I help y'all today

Sam hey  no I think we are good
Alex I'm getting  him a leash
Sam no I have a leash that I want to Oder it
Alex ok let's get it food. Bowls
Alex is pushing the cart and then jumping on the side of the cart
Sam runs up  behind her and pushes the cart
Alex ahh.  Really baby
Sam yes
Alex dammit I can't stay mad at you
Sam I know you can't
Alex Ok we need  food for the thing
Sam uhh don't know what's good
Alex  hang  on
Alex walks up to the employee
Employee can I help you
Alex yes we got a new puppy and we need to know what kind of food would be good for it
Employee here try this one  I use it for my dogs
Alex ok
Alex and Sam leave with the stuff and Gerard
Alex can't wait to set up the  stuff for him
Sam I know  come back and dean and jo are leaving
Sam have fun
Dean yeah she can't wait to get Ella stuff
Sam aww cute name
Dean what y'all name y'all's
Alex Gerard from mcr
Sam have fun bye
Alex come help me with this crate
Sam coming  baby
Sam walks in to mcr playing and the dog asleep
Alex what he was sleepy
Sam he about to be so damm spoil
Alex gets some water and some food
Alex flops down on the bed next to the puppy
Alex having a   Puppy is like having a child
Sam really
Alex yeah
Sam come on let's go to bed
Alex ok

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