Dean you are home

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Dean pulls over
Sam what are we doing
Dean I'm gotta tell you the truth why I really left
Sam  I do
Dean no you don't Sammy
Dean you know the hunt i went on and I  didn't come home untill about 4:00 am
Sam yeah I was worry sick about you
Dean and you had a damm right to be  I didn't make it Sammy
Sam wait so your saying
Dean cas pulled me out of hell again
Sam what
Dean the demons got to me they push me to the wall and push the knife where I couldn't
Get to it they torn me apart and  the minute I was in hell for 10 years
Sam hugs his brother
Dean brakes down I'm sorry Sammy
Sam wait so why did you go to Lisa
Dean so I could re build get my shit together  I didn't want to put you and Alex though hell
Sam dean it's ok we are glad your back
Dean brakes down on his brother
Sam just sits there on the hood of baby with his arms around his brother
Sam well get death down here  to put a wall up
Dean we can't
Sam why
Dean because he was in hell  there no hope for me Sammy don't you see that
Sam shhhh it's ok dean
Dean falls asleep and Sam picks up his brother and puts him in the back seat so he can sleep
Sam untilling when the last time he slept 
When  Sam and Dean come back in Sam carry his brother in too  his room
Sam thoughts
How in the hell am I gonna tell Alex that he ran away because he went to hell and we can't help him because  one of our own kind killed death I mean he a bitch but still he still help us
Alex babe what happened to your brother
Sam he went to hell
Alex what let's get death down here
Sam we can't
Alex and why the hell not
Sam because another hunter kill him dean saw him in hell
Alex may I ask why he was even in hell the first place
Sam the hunt that he went on  that you know he didn't come back untill like 4:00 am
Alex yeah
Sam because he died cas Grap him out of hell
And he told me he went to Lisa to get his shit together before he came home
Alex well that explains all of it
Sam yeah
Alex so let me get this right  your brother went to hell saw death he is in hell because a hunter kill him and your brother  went to his ex's house to get clean up
Sam yeah
Alex I'm sorry but that's worse then trying to get clean from demon blood
Sam I forgot to ask how are you today
Alex better want this blood out of me
Sam I know but hey you did the right thing you saved me and Dean life
Alex took a shot of demon blood and saved the boys from ruby 
Alex is it bad I still see your brother rushing in to put his arm around and glad I'm ok and not the fact I just put demon blood in my body
Sam no it's ok
Alex anywase I'm going to  bed  good night babe
Sam good night baby
Sam comes to check on dean and then pulls off his shirt and crawls into bed with Alex

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