Hell sweet hell

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Sam POV /thoughts
Watching Alex sleep  dean can never understand the way I love her and maybe it's the alcohol talking or just me but  this girl is hot I'm sorry but that had to be the alcohol

Alex pov /thoughts
It's not that bad if we are drunk
Dean on a drive this is it if we going to do this

Sam babe you ok
Alex turns to face Sam yeah Baby
Sam kisses Alex
Alex  kisses Sam
Sam turns over what was  that for 
Alex my love for you
Sam kisses Alex and Alex can't stop but to keep kissing back
Alex slowly gets on top of Sam
Sam sits up and take off his shirt
And then they hear jack call for Sam
Alex go get him
Sam I'm working on it
Alex POV and thoughts
Damm that would have been and good kiss but can't blame jack for having a nightmare and wanting his dad
Sam comes back to Alex sitting on there bed
Alex where were we
Sam babe really
Alex what I see nothing stoping us
Sam takes of his shirt and climbs into bed with  Alex and Sam pulls her over top of him
They hear dean but Sam just locks the door and they keep making out
Alex thoughts
Damm Dean going to kill us
Hell sweet hell

Dean knocks on the door
Dean Sammy I'm home
Sam ok
Alex let's keep going why we can
Sam I'm down
Alex can we do this every time we get drunk
Sam I'm down
Alex god I'm in love with you more now
Dean Sam here I got you something open the door
Alex shit Dean Sam kisses Alex and Alex rolls over to act like she has been sleeping
Sam pulls a shirt on and opens the door
Sam yes
Dean here
Sam oh thanks dean bye
Dean bye
Sam takes off his shirt and climbs into bed and him and Alex get tangled in the sheets again
Dean what the hell is going on with Sam cas
Cas what you mean
Dean  he just shut the door when he really  use to come out  and talk
Cas he probably tangled up in the sheets with his girl
Dean no that's not my brother dumass
Cas I'm just saying him and Alex got pretty drunk
Dean you have a point  no but still that's not my brother
Sam  my brother going to kill us
Dean if that the case there going to  die
Alex he won't find out but if he dose let's kiss make it last
Sam hell yeah
Sam gets on top of Alex
Dean knocks on the door
Dean y'all ok in there
Sam yeah we're fine
Dean ok
Sam that was close
Alex cuddles up to Sam and they fall asleep
Dean gets fed up with Sam not coming out and goes in there  to see Sam shirtless and Alex's shirt knife and gun on the floor
Dean shuts the door and looks at cas
Cas what happened
Dean you were right
Cas I told you
Dean well good for you
The next morning
Dean what where you doing last night
Sam nothing just cuddleing like we always do
Dean then why was Alex shirt knife and gun on the ground and your shirt next to it
Sam I can explain
dean you better 
Sam we were drunk and you were gone and the devil made do it
Dean dude
Sam I know I know you want to kill me
Dean  no
Sam what
Dean like you said I was gone y'all were drunk
Sam hugs his brother
Dean but next time I'm going to kill you
Sam damm why you gotta be like that
Dean anywase I'm going  on a hunt for two weeks with cas and Ellen and jo and you and Alex are going to watch jack
Sam ok
Dean and  no sex
Sam no promises
Sam watches his brother and cas walk out of the door
Alex babe come back to bed it's 2:00 am
Sam I'm coming
Alex come over to  Sammy
Sam puts his hands around  and picks her up
Lays her on the bed and takes off his shirt and climbs into bed with Alex takes off her shirt and  Alex climbs on top of Sammy
Sam forgets what dean says and makes  out with Alex

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