What if i told you i still love you

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Dean moves on from Jo he gets a call from well you guess it Lisa that's right Lisa

Lisa hey dean there no way I could make this up but me and Ben miss you he keeps talking about all the of the things you teach him and well I miss you too so come home
Dean you know me too well looks in Sam and Alex room I'm on my way lisa
Lisa smiles ok
Dean thinks about what he is doing and still drives to Lisa and dosent speak to his little brother and dose not leave a note

Five hours later Alex wakes up too see Sam sitting at the table looking at his laptop

Alex hey baby
Sam your up
Alex yeah
Alex where Dean
Sam that's what I'm trying to figure out
Alex do you think that he might have went to Ellen
Sam see I would but I called and she said she had not seen him since the last time we were all
Alex oh then where'd could he be
Sam I honestly don't know but I think he went somewhere because he left his hunting bag
Alex but still we need to know if he ok
Sam gasps omg that makes sense
Alex well dumass of course it dose
Sam no come on
Alex where are we going
Sam dean exs house
Alex Jo?
Sam no Lisa
Alex who the hell is Lisa
Sam it's a long ass story
Alex God we are all going to hell
Sam probably not wrong
Sam pulls up to Lisa house
Sam listen I go in you stay
Alex hell no are you crazy
Sam fine let's go
Sam knocks on Lisa door
Lisa Sam
Sam hi um is my dumass of a brother here
Dean I'm not a dumass
Lisa come in
Lisa what the hell is going on
Sam someone forgot to tell me where he was
Dean I'm sorry Sammy please go home
Sam no come on
Lisa if dean wants to stay he stays he wants out
Sam looks at Dean with puppy eyes
Dean it's true
Sam come on Alex
Alex ok
Sam gets in the car
Alex may I ask what that was
Sam the end of dean Winchester .
Alex shit
Sam anywase let's go to the Roadhouse
Sam Ellen you here
Ellen yeah
Sam please call my brother and tell him that he a dumass
Ellen well son I think he knows
Sam no he quiting the family business
Ellen gose speechless
Sam you ok
Ellen that boy is a dumass why
Sam two words Lisa and Ben
Alex babe that's three
Sam I know
Ellen Dean has loose it when she around
Sam well duh
Ellen watch your mouth around here boy

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