Sam is the best husband

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Alex wakes up to a sharp pain
Alex ow ow ow ow
Sam rolls over shhh breathe baby breathe
Dean go to check on them and looks at Sam who is alseep and Alex who is half alseep
Dean Alex Sammy Alex Sam
Sam yes dean
Dean just making sure you are ok
Sam yeah laying there cuddling his wife
Sam here a thump
Sam graps a gun and go to where it was
See jack has fallen from his bunk
Sam looks to see if he can see cas then he picks up jack lays him back in bed turns on his stargazer and shuts the door very very softly
Cas runs to Sam
Sam cas what's wrong .
Cas I herd jack fall is he ok
Sam yes I just pick him up and put him back in bed and turn on his stargazer
Cas Damm your good
Sam I know I have to get back to Alex
Cas come with us Sam me and dean where going to go to the Roadhouse and help
Sam would love to but I have a hurt wife and a child witch is jack
Cas please Sam just for like a couple hours .
Dean Sammy you should come
Sam no dean I'm staying.
Dean nerd .
Sam bitch
Cas assbut
Dean jerk .
Alex shut the hell up
Sam I have to go bye have fun
Dean and cas making sure that they lock the door and leave
Sam walks back in there room to find a trail of blood
Sam shit Alex ALEX
Sam. Follows the blood trail to find Alex passed out cover in blood and her dog Gerard next to her
Sam no no baby baby puppy move
Sam calls dean
Dean and Sam phone call
Dean dammit Sammy
Dean yes
Sam you got to here and bring cas
Dean hears the panic in his brother voice and knows something is wrong dean waves at cas to come here and waves Ellen good bye
Ellen what the hell happened
Jo I have no idea nor do I want to know
Ellen ok
Dean talk Sammy
Sam I don't know what to say there blood everywhere jack is bleeding Alex is bleeding I'm not yet but get here
Cas dean give me the phone
Dean here put it on speaker
Cas listen Sam
Sam yeah
Cas it's angels I know there dicks.  But get towels out of my room there in the  bathroom
Sam ok
Ca all now put it around Alex and jack
Sam ok
Cas now the test is in my hands just stay there don't let them move
Sam well it's kinda hard when there knock out cold
Cas shit
Cas still at amy moment they can wake up keep them down move them to a bed if you have too
Sam ok
Cas jumps out of the car  when they get there
Sam pacing back in forth
Sam what the hell took y'all so long
Dean angels are dicks
Sam amen to that
Cas fixes  Alex and jack 
Sam thank god
Alex and Sam lay in bed all day
Sam cuddle his wife until his arm went to sleep
Alex after about 7 hours roll over off of Sam arm
Sam  roll over and fell asleep

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