We gotta find were we belong

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Alex wakes up still in Sam  arms
She looks up and he is awake
She kiss him right as he try's to get up
Sam babe dean going to kill us
Alex looks in the floor to see  her clothes and Sam's on the floor
Alex whatever at this point he may he may not
Sam kisses Alex
Alex do we have to go back
Sam yes baby cas says that dean has calm down
Alex but see we could go to my place
Sam I forgot you got that house
Sam babe are you afraid of the bunker
Alex yeah
Sam why
Alex because it's like we live on the verge of hell and tears every day and we get away to deal with demons and then it's right back to hell

Alex got a house when her and Sam  were taking a break before the wedding

Sam you know we could
Alex and we should
Sam come on get your stuff
Alex yes
Alex starts packing up when she hears someone at the door
Alex babe there's someone at the door
Sam I got it
Sam grabs  his gun
Sam looks though the peep hole and sees cas
Sam  whispers it's cas
Alex we got to go
Sam picks up the dog and Alex grabs  the bags
And they sneak pass cas and drive off
Sam shit I bet dean sent cas to go get us
Alex oh shit I didn't think about that one
Sam it's fine we will go to your place and we will stay there for a while and when we are ready we will get together with dean and cas again
Alex babe he going to send every one we know
Sam I know but you know it's fine  our love is worth the fight  
Alex that's a fact
Sam you know I don't think I ever saw your place
Alex well your looking at it
Sam yeah  it's. Nice
Alex yeah it saved our ass just now
They hear a knock and it's mom
Alex Sam it's mom
Sam shit open it
Ellen where the hell have y'all been
Alex takes her hand and cover up the scar from where dean hit her with the bottle
Ellen let me reword that what the hell happened between you guys and dean
Sam we left
Ellen well naw dip Sherlock
Alex we left after dean got abuses
Ellen looks at Sam
Sam she right
Ellen Alex let me see your arm
Alex looks at Sam with her puppy eyes
Sam it's ok
Alex  pulls her hand back away from the scar
Ellen oh my god dean did that
Sam he tried to stop her from getting to me
Ellen that son of a bitch
Alex what   Happened because that's not the dean that we watch walk out of the door
Ellen i don't know come to think about he won't let any of us out holly water on him
Sam are you saying my brother is possessed
Ellen possibility
Alex sits down
Sam takes Ellen out side
Ellen what the hell son
Sam me and Alex aren't coming back
Ellen what about your brother
Sam screw him
Ellen what actually happened
Sam he came home and saw me and Alex cuddling after we had made out and he took that way to far that's when the attack happened that it push me over for the sake of my wife I took her away
Ellen why he made out with every girl I know
Sam because he said he saw my shirt and Alex shirt and our weapons on the floor and he thought I had hurt her and so that next morning he called me over I sit her down and he went off I came in to our room and pack what we could and we left
Ellen damm  well I'm going to leave you guys here until we find out what happened to your brother stay away from the bunker I will send jack here so he safe
Sam ok
Sam walks back in to see his wife sitting on the couch crying
Sam you ok
Alex no
Sam cuddles his wife and they wait for jack to get There
And when when he dose Alex and Sam climb into bed and kiss each other and go to bed and Sam wraps his arm around Alex

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