My world is falling apart

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Alex woke up and saw that Sam wasn't home so she did what she knew to do she called Dean
Dean still upset that they can't find mom
Dean answer hello
Alex where's your brother
Dean what
Alex I woke up and I can't find Sammy I think ruby and meg took him with your mom 
Dean woah woah Ellen is your mom too and whatever is happening we will get them back
Alex well my world is falling apart so if someone is going to find them it's going to be you Dean
Dean drives to Sam and Alex place as soon as they hang up
Dean walks in
Dean you know you should really really lock your doors
Alex Sam useally dose that
Dean wait so your saying Sam didn't make it to bed last night
Alex i don't know Dean I fell asleep and by fell asleep I mean I passed out
Dean what happened
Alex we got drunk
Dean hey it's fine me and Sam got drunk all the time.
Alex yeah but I wish I stayed up
Dean you passed out you couldn't help it
They get a call from Jo .
Alex hello .
Alex we are on our way .
They walk in to see Sam on the floor and blood running to Alex feet
Dean looks around Alex get him
Alex pulls her gun and shoots Ruby
Dean or do that
Dean and Jo rush to Ellen side
Alex holding Sam to her side and rocking .
Alex shhhh
Sam still fighting the demon blood
Sam it's ok just let me go she druged me to hard
Alex hey hey shhhh no we only went through 18 years of hell
Dean not knowing what to do
Ellen finally responding to Alex and Dean and Jo .
Alex Sammy Sammy SAMMY
Both her and Sam fall to the ground alex braking into tears
Dean and Jo and Ellen leaving her to Sam
Sam puts his hand on Alex face
Sam mumbles did you forget you where a demon angel
Alex laughing and crying
Sam that time of the month
Alex laying there on the ground with Sammy
Alex no just me being me scared to loose you
Sam can we get out of here .
Alex can you walk your hang over and on demon blood
Sam I doubt it
Dean rushes in
Sam passes back out
Alex hey hey Sam
Alex we got to get out of here  he burning up
Dean your right your world is going to hell and burning down
Alex not now dean come on
Ellen Sam
Alex not knowing what to do
Ellen you ok
Alex yeah I'm great
Ellen hugs Alex and she falls apart
And dean dosent know if Sam will come out of this

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