Home Sweet home

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Jack gose to see his dad dean and Sam and Alex are playing with the dog
Alex looks over at Sam phone  witch is ringing and  she sees it says mom.
Alex answers
Alex hello
Ellen hey where's Sam
Alex i don't know he left his phone at the house
Ellen oh ok
Alex he might be making a supply run
Ellen yeah ok well when he gets back tell him to call me
Alex ok bye mom
Ellen bye
Alex playing with the dog and hears a car door
Alex that's probably your dad puppy
Gerard runs to the door
Sam walks in hey babe
Alex hey where you go
Sam to the store we needed some things for breakfast
Alex ok  oh and Ellen called she wants you to call her
Sam ok
Alex throws Sam his phone
Sam hey
Ellen hey
Sam please tell me my brother is ok
Ellen he responding but he still wants to sleep
Sam so what do we do
Ellen well rowena said that she has a spell that would fix him
Sam so we are out of options  besides magic
Ellen sadly yes
Sam ok well get rowena there and well I will come later
Ellen well son it would be better if you both come now
Alex sinks into the couch
Sam gose outside
Sam I'm coming because Alex is still scared of dean and the bunker
Ellen god dammit I knew it took one wrong move for her to be scared of the bunker
Sam she can't help it she a badass with a heart of a angel
Ellen I know just you come see your brother
Sam walks in and leans over Alex and kisses her and says goodbye
Alex wait where are you going.
Sam I'm going  mom wants  me with dean
Alex for how long
Sam only for a couple hours. I promise
Alex ok
Sam I will go come back
Sam go to see his brother
Dean is walking once he gets there
Sam your ok
Dean looks up Sammy 🥺🥺
Sam yes dean Sam runs over and hugs his brother
Dean I thought I had lost you
Sam not in a Millen years well you lost my wife but you didn't loose me
Sam gose home to fine Alex asleep on the couch Sam picks her up and puts her to bed and thy fall asleep

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