Forget you.

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Sam and dean wake up to a phone call from Alex mom
Sam should we have Alex answer
Dean what are you crazy hell no
Alex why the phone  ringing
Sam dosent think and says his mind witch you never let a Winchester do
Sam it's for you
Alex who is it
Sam I don't know I don't know that number
Alex give it
Dean walks away
Alex answers hello
Alex mom hun we have a demon here come  and help us
Alex mom you get me out because this was stupid remember now your fine goodbye
Alex shit let's go .
Sam coming
Alex Dean stay here with the dogs
Dean  yeah gotta
Alex gets there with Sam
Alex this is stupid and if it wasn't for my little respect for them we wouldn't be here
Sam I know
Alex mom
Alex this son of a bitch
Alex kicks the door down.
Sam.  Hot Damm
Alex shut it
Alex mom
Alex spilt up
Sam sure I still  don't trust them tho
Alex I know
Alex Sam vamp .
Sam not today  Staten
Alex mom
Alex are they gone I'm confused
Alex shit there in my room
Sam how do you know
Alex it has a devil trap and puts salt at the door and windows.
Sam we need that
Alex let's go
Alex knocks on the door mom it's me
Alex hears knifes
Sam get behind me
Alex gets down the door
Her mom throws a knife at her
Alex good job
Sam. Ok we are good let's go .
Alexs mom no .
Alex don't make me stab you too .
Sam. Forget you
Alex baby grap her
Sam this should be fun
Alex stab her mom
Alex damm you would think I was souless
Sam and Alex go home
Dean how it go
Sam she stab her mom
Dean. Do I want to know why
Alex she threw a knife at a hunter what did she expected fucking me to die
Alex I'm going to bed
Sam.  I will one there in a minute
Dean  you ok
Sam I guess I guess I thought our family was messed up and hers wasn't but hers might be even be worse

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