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Sam wakes to Alex next to him and him quite happy now he and dean has someone to call there's
Alex wakes up and cuddles up to Sammy
Sam yes Baby
Alex nothing I just realize that I haven't met your brothers girlfriend
Sam your right you want to meet her
Alex yes
Sam hang on dean
Dean yes
Sam Get your girl
Dean ok
Alex is shorter then Sammy so she jumps on his back like she done for the last week
Dean comes in with his girlfriend witch is jo
Jo hey Alex.
Alex Hey Jo
Dean well that was nice
Sam what the hell did you think was gotta happened
Dean  untelling with those two .
After that day Alex and Sam go to there room
And sleep
Sam laying there staring at the ceiling
Sam thoughts
Can't believe this girl went from in my heart to in my head now in my bed how did that happened
Like I'm gotta fucking merry this chick
Wait it's near Christmas OMG that's her Christmas present I'm gotta merry that chick

Alex looking at her phone
Alex baby you ok
Sam. Yeah
Alex you know I'm sleepy we need to go to bed sweetheart it is Christmas Eve tommorow
Sam yeah I do need to get up early I need from make a few runs
Alex ok let's go to bed love you baby
Sam love you too
The next morning Sam gets up kisses Alex
Sam bye baby
Sam walks out shut the door and graps the key to baby
Dean where you going
Sam I can't tell you but Im taking your car
Dean are you going Christmas shopping
Sam yes but I can't talk about it
Dean oh if brother thoughts get in I get why
Sam exactly bye
Dean bye
Sam gose to the ring place
Ring person hello what can I do for you sir
Sam hi this is going to be a Christmas present for my girlfriend and she that emo type she loves bat she loves black she loves it all
Ring person I got five rings that you can choose from
Sam ok
Ring one is a bat holding a black diamond
The others are just black diamonds but you can get something in grave on them
Sam well I don't need the end grave part I already got that one handle.
Sam I think im taking the bat
Ring person your girlfriend will love it
Sam so can. I take it today
Ring person yes you can
Sam ok
Sam getting the other Christmas presents
Ok dean some stuff for the car and some music ok
Ok for the next stop for alex is the moon place
Moon person hey sorry are you here for a pickup
Sam yes I am under the name Winchester
Moon person yes I got it right here would you like to see it
Sam yes please
Moon person here
Sam she gotta love it
Moon person you said it was a Christmas present .
Sam yes
Moon lady here I have this little box I can put it in its no charge
Sam yes I would love that please.
Moon lady I hope she loves it
Sam I think she will
Sam gets dean presents
Sam calls dean hey get Alex out of the room
Dean ok
Sam bye
Dean bye Alex
Alex yeah hey your boy has gifts for tonight he said he needed you out of the room
Alex ok

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