You jad one chance do not loose the trust alex had in you and you blew it dean

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Dean wakes up to a phone call from his brother
Dean hey Sammy
Sam dude where's Alex
Dean with you
Sam would I be calling you if she was with me
Dean  says no as he goes to check the bunker  for Alex
Sam we had one chance to not loose that girl and she gone
Dean dude she wouldn't give up on you  have you tried mom
Sam no I will call you back
Dean ok by..e
Sam come on mom
Ellen yes son
Sam please tell me that Alex is with you
Ellen no
Sam son of a bitch
Ellen son is everything ok
Sam no  we fell asleep and she was against my side like she always is  and I woke up called dean and check the house she no where
Ellen. That's weird  did you try Bobby
Sam no because wait they got along hang on
Sam calls Bobby
Bobby yes son
Sam weird question is Alex at your place
Bobby no
Sam dammit
Sam well ok bye
Bobby bye
Ellen was she there
Sam no
Ellen could she have gone somewhere the store anywhere
Sam she didn't say she had plans
Ellen can you track her
Sam yeah
Ellen then why are you still on the phone with me

Sam  logs in to his laptop to see if he can see where Alex is

Sam try's to call Alex phone
Alex voicemail  hey it's Alex leave a message sorry I can't get to you right now
Sam voicemail to Alex  hey babe it's me Sammy where are you I'm worry come home babe no one will hurt you

7 hours later
Sam where is Alex
Sam it's midnight and I haven't herd a word
Sam brakes down right as  Gerard comes over with a toy
Gerard  jumps up on the couch  and lays his head on his leg
Sam hey puppy  god you remind me of your mother  Gerard runs to the door
Sam remembers that Gerard can track Alex just let they taught him
Sam hooks up a leash to Gerard and he tracks Alex  he leads  Sam to and old building
Sam has a flashback to what this building is
Sam Puppy you did it this is where me and Alex went on our first date  Sam steps inside and  calls for Alex
Sam babe babe baby
He goes upstairs and fines a door shut
He kicks it down
And sees Alex in the floor in a ball  cuddling his hoodie
Sam babe
Alex looks up with a bleeding eye
Sam BABE  Sam rushes to her side and Alex has a flashback of all the times Sam has rush to her side
Alex babe I'm sorry
Sam shhhh it's ok shhh
They go home and Sam fixes up Alex
Alex falls in the bed and Sam lays with her
Sam where were you babe it's 3:39 am
Alex I went on a hunt I know alone but at that point it was if I die I die if I live I live
Sam why
Alex. Because it was just the anxiety talking
Sam kisses Alex and Alex cuddles up to him

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