Sam pov

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I wake up to my girl at the  door and she looks
Alex hey babe
Me hey baby
I pick her up and my brother calls me over and he found the clothes all over the floor and me and  my baby shirtless
Dean gose  off on me and I go back in and my baby shuts the door behind her
Alex babe I'm sorry
Me this isn't your fault but for our safety we are going to a hotel 
My  baby hears a glass bottle as I'm packing and she opens a door right as dean throws one at the door she quickly shuts the door and slides down it 
I rush to her side and she starts crying I wrap my arms around her and then pick her up and sit her on the bed with her dog Gerard
Alex what about him
Me he going with us he has to he is your emotional support animal
Alex not wrong
I pick up and my wife put her though a window and give her a bag and her dog Gerard
She sits down the bag and get her dog and they load up in the truck
We go to the hotel and I sit her on the bed and I come back in to her shirtless and her knife and her gun on then the floor
I take off my shirt and climb into bed with her and pull her on top of me and she kisses me and I kiss her neck  and bite my lip
Alex you kinky son of a bitch 
Me it's the only thing to do to stop you from worrying about my brother
Alex amen to that as she gose in for another kiss and I roll over and  I'm on top we kiss some more and I know she is stress when she crawls under my arms after that's all over and cuddles my side I wrap my arms around her and  we fall asleep with the dog at our feet

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