Sam and dean go into over protect mode

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Alex works half time in hunting and half time makeing music today was her first concert at her middle School

Alex come on Sam we have to go
Sam I'm coming
Dean I'm ready when y'all are
Sam we are ready
Alex come on
Sam and dean we are coming
They get there and Alex gets on stage and her life dreams come true
Sam and Dena always come just to make sure everything gose right
Alex family come up after she dose a song called girl goin nowhere
Alex family left her after she went emo
Alex can't even look them in the eye Sam is just about to step out on stage when Alex shoots him a wink and says everything is ok baby
Alex performs piece by piece a song she made after the boys took her in
Alex dad well well well looks like you made it i don't know how but you did so hun come back to the family
Sam and Dean come out Sam has his knife
Alex no
Alex dad no why not
Alex because piece by piece he pick me up off the ground where you  left things and piece by piece he filled the holes that you burn in me at 16 years old and piece by piece I will never leave them like you left me they will never have to wonder  there worth
Sam  and Dean spechless that she just did that
Alex mom honey come home
Alex no I'm not after the way that y'all treated me told me I was worthless and I wasn't gonna make it
Alex dad fine I will come get you
Sam and dean step in front of Alex
Dean not today
Alex remembers all the things she went through and think how the hell did I get so Damm lucky to have these to boys
Alex gets scared and remember that she doesn't have to listen to them
Alex pulls out the knife that dean gave her that. Says badass
She knows her mom or her dad comes near her to stab Alex dad throws Sam and Dean out of the way
Sam looks up and sees that Alex dad is near Alex
Sam NO  Sam fearing the worst
Alex gets the knife and stabs
Dean looks at Alex and looks at sam
Dean this BADASS
Alex I know get up assholes
They go home And Alex cuddles Sam and Gerard the puppy

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