Sam and alex relax

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Sam wakes up and looks and see. That Alex is still asleep 
Sam babe baby  soon he feels a movement at the end of the bed
Sam what the bloody hell was that
Sam looks at the end to see Gerard
Sam sits up and picks up the puppy
Sam go wake up your mom
Alex rolls over to see Sam and her child witch is the dog
Alex what are you doing up
Sam baby it's 9:00 am
Alex we go back to bed
Sam ok
Sam lays back down and plays on his phone why Alex cuddles the dog
Sam calls dean
Sam and Dean phone call
Sam hey what are we doing. Today
Dean I have no fucking idea
Sam ok
Dean why
Sam I was thinking we just relax today and hang out
Dean yeah me and jo and her dog went to the Roadhouse
Sam ok bye brother
Dean bye
Sam hangs up the phone and gose back to bed
Dean and Jo .
Jo who was that
Dean sammy
Jo is he ok
Dean yeah
Jo ok you only call him Sammy if he hurt
Dean no he was wondering what we were doing
Jo ok
Alex gets up like a hour later and makes food
Sam gets up to mcr and he loves it
Sam nothing like waking up to you and mcr
Alex yep
Sam puts the dog outside
Alex hey Sammy .
Sam yes
Alex have you ever thought of living on your own like away from your brother
Sam yes but I don't want to because of what happened last time
Alex confused what happened
Sam you have herd me and dean talk about a Jess
Alex yeah she was your girlfriend right
Sam yes she was killed by a demon and so I don't want to  leave and something happens to you same all's up and kisses Alex
Alex oh I  didn't know that happened I mean I knew she went out a terrible way but
Sam yeah she went out the  same way our mom did
Alex did what happened to your dad
Sam he sold his soul for dean  and actually into got like a couple minutes
Alex oh shit I know you never like him but shit
Sam yeah he was stubborn old man but he was still my dad
Alex  yeah

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