Christmas night

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Sam where did Alex go ?
Dean she went Christmas shopping too
Sam oh dose she know we do Christmas tonight
Dean yeah  and Jo went with her
Sam ok
Jo and Alex
Alex so what do you think dean getting you
Jo honestly I don't know  what do you think Sam getting you
Alex honestly I think she got me a ring because he being werid 
Jo that's just sam I learn  speaking of Sam and you how did  y'all meet
Alex so they  were on a hunt and  Sam came up and I said hey and he said hey and I knew he was a hunter because he believe me when I said that I  was attack by a hellhound and so we went out for drinks and then I ask him questions and he answer and then we laughed because we had both Slept with a demon
Jo yeah i remember Ruby she was cool untill well we stab her
Alex well that makes sense I would be motherfucking pissed if you stab me
Jo hahaha yeah
Alex ive got what I need
Jo actually I need one more thing for dean
Alex what
Jo he loves scobby doo so and they have the whole series so I thought I would suprise him with it
Alex that's good 
Jo you ready 
Alex yeah
Alex assholes were home
Sam and Dean walk up and kiss there girls
Alex I'm exhausted
Dean well it's Christmas so let's open our presidents and then we can go to bed
Sam  thoughts
Omg I'm about to do it
This is happening .
Dean  I swear you  if you make me go first I'm gotta motherfucking loose it
Alex thoughts god  he hiding something
If he  ask me to merry him right now im gotta motherfucking loose it
Dean thoughts .
Do we have pie
Should I make sammy go first  no he looks like he may kill me
Jo thoughts what the hell is taking them so long
Sam dean go first
Dean ok to your girl or mine first
Save my girl for last
Dean ok Jo Come here
Jo coming
Dean puts the necklace around her neck
Jo looks at it and hugs dean
Alex what's it say
Dean it says what I said when I met her your a dumass but I love you
Sam awww
Dean you ready
Sam ready as I'll ever be
Dean you got it
Sam Alex stay here I have to go get it
Alex ok
Sam gose in there to and graps the ring 
Alex heart starts pounding
Sam close your eyes Alex
Alex oh God ok
Sam it's not that bad
Dean and Jo standing there both knowing what's about to go down .
Sam runs in gets down on one knee
Sam Alex your the love of my life and you know that and dean knows that
Alex aww
Sam Alex Ann will you merry me
Alex crying yes sam picks her up and hugs her
At this point there all crying
Dean ok jo go before we keep crying
Jo here
Dean open it this is why I love you
Sam what
Dean it's the date we got the car  on a. Key for the car
Sam that's great
Jo here Sam
Sam oh ok  opens it you got us  the same key but if you look on the back one says dean w and one says a Sam w
Alex cleaver
Jo I know
Dean Alex I know Sam has won  over your  heart but me and him got you and jo one of these
Sam ready girls 
Girls yeah
Boys Come here girls 
Alex picks up the one that has black and white on it
Alex awww thank you dean and Sam
Jo yeah I love her
Sam you know your Alex matches your every day look
Dean it really dose
Jo wait is this why our room is cover in dog hair
Dean yes
Jo nice
Dean I know
Alex sitting on the couch with her dog and Sam
Dean why dose Alex look so content right now
Sam cause she is she has everything she has McR and her new dog and me
Dean come here jo
Jo no run
Alex  your dog is so confused
Jo no dammit he caught me
Sam what you think was gotta happened
Jo i don't know
Alex can we go to bed
Sam no  because I have one more present to give you
Alex  really
Sam yes I have to get it  
Sam Alex come here
Alex coming
Sam puts the necklace around her
Alex aww it's the day we met
Sam yes it's the moon and the stars the day we met look on the back
Alex flips  charm over
Alex aww I love that picture of us
Jo what picture
Alex It's the one  where dean picks me up so I can be even with Sam
Dean really you pick that picture
Sam you love it
Dean your right I do.
Sam now we can go to bed
Alex tomorrow we are spoiling these dogs
Jo hell yeah we are
Sam come on girls
Alex picks up her dog
Sam picks up Alex m
Alex this is normal

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