What about dean

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Jack dad where's dean
Sam  jack we don't know when we will see dean
Jack is he hurt
Sam kinda but it's not like a cut it's like a mental thing
Jack looks at Alex who is very scared of dean and the bunker
Jack are you ok mom
Alex yeah I'm fine
Sam goes outside with Gerard 
Alex puts jack to. Bed
And goes  outside with Sam
Alex sits beside Sam
Sam did he go down
Alex yeah he doesn't get why he can't see cas and dean
Sam wraps his arm around Alex
Alex I just don't get what is in dean
Sam babe i don't know
Alex well  I know  one thing we could do 
Sam come here They call the dog in and go to there room
Alex takes out her gun and knife
Sam takes off his  shirt and climbs into bed with Alex Sam and Alex kisses and cuddles all night when they get a call form mom
Sam sits up and answers it
Sam hello
Ellen your brother is possessed we done everything the demon got out but now dean is knock out cold
Sam ok  I will send jack tomorrow
Ellen what about you and Alex
Sam we are staying here we will come see y'all but we are staying here
Ellen ok
Alex kisses Sam and Sam rolls over and Sam is on top
Alex so we are staying here
Sam yeah jack will go home
Alex ok love you
Sam love you too
Alex cuddles up to Sam and they fall asleep

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