Is it ment to be

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Sam wakes up to well dean and jo fighting again  Sam looks over to see Alex cuddling Gerard 
Sam this son  of a bitch
Sam then gets up and walks out  his door shuts it behind him so they don't wake up Alex

Sam guys what the  fuck
Dean sorry this dumass can't figure out how  to not fight over the dog

Sam come here Ella talking to dean and jo dog
Sam guys is it even meant to be at this point like everyday I wake up to you and jo arguing

Dean he's got a point
Jo then who gotta take the dog
Dean well you do take good care of  her and I got her for you so you

Jo fine we are done

Dean heart sinks after hearing those words
Dean looks away trying not to let Sammy see
Him crying
Sam I'm going back to bed
Dean yeah Same
Jo goes to the roadhouse after getting all the stuff from dean and taking it to her apartment back near the roadhouse
She sets it up and then it hits her that she dosent have anyone to hold her
Jo walks in to the roadhouse tears just falling
Ellen baby what's wrong  who do I have to kill
Jo no one Dean and me broke up
Ellen hey hey don't cry it's ok
Jo  anywase wiping tears away what time dose the bar  open
Ellen no no hun you go back to your apartment and you cuddle that dog  of yours and you just relax knowing the boys one of them is bond to come around here
Jo are you sure mom
Ellen yes now go
Jo ok
Jo goes back to the apartment and plays with Ella and just hose back and forth from playing with the puppy to sleeping
Dean spent the rest of his day in his room listening to his music
Sam knocks on the  door
Sam hey you ok
Dean yeah I'm fine
Sam well you want some food
Dean sure
Sam here
Dean thanks how Alex
Alex is fine she is not feeling good and also writing a song with a bunch of her friends so well you know how that is
Dean yeah what's it called
Sam I think it's called well one of them is called fooled around and fell in love and the  other one is called new dog old tricks
Dean sound good
Sam yeah hearing the vocals for fooled around and fell in love sounds really good can't wait to hear it
Dean yeah 
Sam wells it's late you should be going to sleep
Dean I know
Sam you can play your music all night if it helps I know what your going through brother
Dean hugs Sam
Sam it's ok just breathe
Dean at the moment falls apart in his brother arm just like Sam did when Jess died
Dean soon falls asleep and Sam turns his music on and turns out the light
Alex is he ok ?!
Sam yeah him and jo broke up
Alex oh shit can't say I didn't see it coming
Sam same
Sam picks up Alex
Alex ahh
Sam come on let's go to bed 
Alex ok fine
Sam oh don't  say I don't love you
Alex yeah yeah

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