What a night looks like for sam and alex

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Sam  comes in to the bedroom and looks at Alex and takes off his shirt and climbs into bed
Alex turns over and cuddles up to Sam Sam calls Gerard up towards them and they all fall asleep sadly Sam thinks I'm getting use to this normal
Alex is asleep in no time though the night she has dreams about dean and Sam.  Being dorks
Witch this is normal when she is  going through her normal memories and then she comes across a memory that she hates it's the one where  her  and Sam come in to dean on the floor passed out and  carve with a knife love nick
In the flashback

Alec come on Sam let's get in so we can give your brother his pie that he made us get
Sam I'm hurrying
Alex dean we are ho......me
Sam sees his brother on the floor and his heart starts beating fast

Alex Sam come help
Sam I'm coming
Alex and Sam bend over looking at the craving on dean arm
Alex who nick
Sam a son of a bitch
Alex fair enough
Alex wakes up flying out of Sam arm in tears and trying to catch her breath
Sam sits up babe?
Alex I'm gotta get some water
Sam ok
Alex gets some water and sits on the couch
Still trying to catch her breath
Sam comes out babe come back to bed
Alex shakeing ok
Sam knows what happened and know what memory it was
Sam sits beside Alex and comforts her and then she falls back asleep and Sam carry's her to bed
The next morning
Dean gets up at Lisa house and makes some food for him and Lisa and Ben
Lisa how did you sleep
Dean great
Lisa really those eyes are not saying the same thing
Dean I'm gotta go for a drive and  make a run for some things we need
Lisa   ok
Dean  went for a drive and thinks about his brother and realized that he miss him too much  so he decides to stop by
Dean thoughts
This good be a really bad. Idea
Or it could be ok
Dean sits in the driveway and then goes in
Dean really thought he was walking in to Sam holding a gun to him ready to kill his brother
Dean Sammy alex
Dean looks around and sees Sam cover In blood on the floor
Dean runs over
Dean checks Sam pluse and sees that he knock gone then dean preys to cas gets down
Cas wants to kill dean but see Sam and he knows what he needes to do .
Dean you fix him I find Alex
Cas ok
Cas bends down and knows what happened
Cas looks around and looks at Dean .
Cas dean Ruby was here
Dean son of a bitch
Cas im gotta fix him
Dean ok .
Dean Alex Alex
Dean see the door shut and knows its Alex
Dean knocks on the door
Dean Alex it's me
Dean come on answer Im here to help
Dean gets fed up and kicks down the door
Dean runs over to Alex and Alex just falls apart
Dean shhhh Sammy ok shhh
He knows what to do because he seen Sam do it to her before Sam stands up and runs over to Alex and dean stands up
Sam looks at his brother with his puppy eyes
Sam in tears dean come home
Dean I am home this is home

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