Thank you unsolved mysteries

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Sam wakes up to the smell of food . and wishes to see Alex on the other side of the bed Sam  then gets up to fine dean
He walks out to actually find cas and jack
Sam where's  Dean
Jack i don't know dad
Cas I think in his room
Sam ok
Cas your not going check
Sam no I see his key for the car
Cas ok
Sam keeps thinking of last night when Sam was going on about how Bloody Mary was back and dean look at him and said thank you unsolved mysteries  Sam smiles
Cas you ok  Sam
Sam ..............
Jack dad
Cas Sam
Sam what
Cas are you ok
Sam yeah I'm fine dean standing right behind him
Dean no you don't just ingore when jack says dad
Sam I'm find I just went into my own world
Dean dude is this about Alex being in the hospital
Sam no no no she fine I'm fine we are fine
Cas no your not fine you Don't just be  up at four am for no reason
Sam so I'm a little tor up about it  I mean guys my wife had 15 demons jump on  her gut and we had left her and saw her when she was half dead and I thought  we had lost her and she was  on so much drugs just so she could some what breath
Dean walk over to his little brother is and hugs him
Sam I'm fine with this point with tears pouring down his face
Cas how  about you go to the hospital and sit with her and we will work at the roadhouse
Sam i guess
Jack runs over from cas to Sam and hugs him
Jack I don't know if this makes you feel better but I hope it dose
Sam it dose
Sam driving to the hospital to see Alex
Sam walks in and see 10 doctors in her room and hears that she coding
Sam no.  Baby hang on please you got to hang on
The doctors are talking to sam and they say get anyone who would like to see her she probably won't make it though the night
Sam in tears ok
Sam phone call  to dean
Sam  Dean  get here  they don't think she going to make it though the night get you jo mom and cas and jack
dean dammit we're on our way Sammy
Sam breaks down into tears when he hears Ellen voice
Ellen son you ok
Sam stop playing his cool
Sam do I look ok I haven't slept in 24 hours and no she dyeing yes mom I'm great
Ellen hugs Sam and Dean dosent know what to do with his brother
Dean walks up to Sam hey they said if you want you could go get Gerard and she can have him
Sam ok
Sam leaves to get the dog
Sam god if your hear give me a reason give me a chance let her live hell its my fault she got hurt I should've stayed with her and gave her her knife back  Sam cry's the whole time getting the dog and the whole way back
Sam shh it's ok puppy
Sam give me something to believe in
Sam gets there with the dog
Dean looks at his brother you good
Sam do I look good
Sam sitting in Alex hospital room
Sam talking to Alex
Sam baby I'm sorry  we should've. Not left you there we should've put you in front of us
I know this business is deadly I know  but you shouldn't have gone out like this
Alex  mumbles well dumass it takes a lot for me to go out
Sam Baby your ok
Alex dumass of course I'm ok
Sam babe you where dead
Alex well I'm not so you gonna hug me or you gonna stand there like a dumass
Sam hugs his wife
Dean  I can't tell if she actually ok or she is dead and he just hearing her voice
Ellen well how bout you go in there and fine out
Dean well I would but I'm afraid that he just hearing her voice  and he think she alive and she not
Ellen your  right but you just got to let him work though it
Doctor only one of you can stay
Dean I'm going to say goodbye to Sammy
Ellen ok
Jo bye dean
Cas bye
Jack bye
Ellen bye son
Bobby watch out for your brother before you leave
Dean ok bye guys
Dean walks in to see Sam crying over Alex
Dean hey we have to go now you can go but I feel like you should stay
Nurse no one can stay if she codes again no one  can be in her room we will call you if something goes wrong
Sam  ................
Dean ok come on Sammy
Sam ok
Dean walks out with his brother  you ok
Sam no I'm not why the hell cant I stay
Dean Sammy I don't know but what I do know is you need sleep
Sam yeah cause I'm going to sleep real well tonight
Ellen boy it will be better if you sleep and then that way if something happens then you are rested up too see her sadly alive or dead
Sam I know I know
Sam. Phones rings about 3 hours later
Sam hello
Doctor  is this Sam Winchester
Sam pepperes for the worse
Sam yes dean sitting  beside him
Dean please be ok
Sam is she ok
Doctor sadly no she passed away from her injury we try to get her back but she was to far gone
Sam hangs up and falls over on his bed
Sam breaks into tears
Dean just sits there peacefully
Dean gets up and go outside Sam room to tell the others
Dean cas jack jo Ellen Bobby
Cas yeah
Jack what
Ellen  oh no
Jo  oh god
Bobby  pour Sammy
Dean she passed
Ellen walks over to Sam room
Dean mom give him a minute to get his act somewhat together
Ellen your right
Sam gets another phone call from Alex's phone
Sam hello
Alex  baby
Sam yes
Alex where are you I wake up in the hospital and no one here no  nurses no doctors and it's pich black
Sam hang on
Dean oh god
Dean yes Sammy
Sam Come here
Sam ok tell dean what you told me baby
Dean what
Sam it's Alex
Alex where are you
Dean at the bunker you died
Alex would I be calling you if I died
Sam thinks he dreaming
Sam baby stay where you are don't move your knife is under your bed with your hunting bag
Alex hurry I'm kinda.  Bleeding here
Sam where on way
Sam walks out the door and so dose dean
Dean we will be back.
Ellen where the hell are you guys going
Dean we will explain when we get back

To be continued

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