Alex wait not sam alex jody alex yeah cause thats not confusing

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Dean what do you mean she missing
Jody Well do you see her
Sam no
Dean dose you know who know
Jody no and I just don't want to make her upset  looking at Claire
Dean how bout this I will go hang out and take Claire out on a small hunt and you and Sam figure out what happened
Sam sounds good to me
Jody fine Claire go pack your hunting stuff
Claire why?
Jody your going on a hunt with dean
Claire really!!
Jody yeah you think they drove out here for nothing
Claire I'm ready in a minute dean
Dean ok I'll be out in the car
Claire bye Jody bye Sam
Jody bye
Dean and Claire  leave
Dean    so find anythin
Claire   yeah maybe a. Vamp next
Dean here let me see
Dean gets it from Claire 
Dean alright let's check it out
Sam and Jody talking
Jody your girl pretty quiet
Sam yeah she has a bad past with Mom and Dad her dog  it's basically a anxiety animal she takes him everywhere she took him to Ellen and I thinks that's the only reason she didn't flip out when dean  called Ellen mom
Jody really your brother a dumass you know that
Alex he really is tho
Sam. But yet you fight like you have known each other forever
Alex yeah we really do
Jody anwase where do you think Alex is
Sam Doesn't she have history with vamps
Jody yeah she dose call Dean and see what they are hunting
Sam ok
Sam calls dean
Sam hey what are you guys hunting
Dean we think a vamp nest
Sam don't hunt something else
Dean why and hurry Claire is not gotta take forever .
Sam Alex has history with vamps
Dean wait jody Alex or your Alex
Sam witch one you think dumass
Dean Jody Alex
Sam congratulations you past your text
Dean bitch
Sam jerk
Dean ok I think I found something new for her to hunt
Sam ok bye and be safe
Dean ok mom
Sam shut it
Claire who was that
Dean Sam
Claire what did he want
Dean he found a new job for us
Claire what
Dean there called Jefferson starships
Claire why do I have a feeling you make those
Dean. Your right
Claire let's go then
Dean ok .
Sam wait what if Alex was at that vamps they said that would get her if they saw her
Jody not wrong
Sam hang on Alex you want to kill some son of a bitches
Alex your brother
Sam no hahah not yet
Jody good lord let's go
Alex wait what are we killing
Sam vampires
Alex nice
Sam ready set go
Jody Alex!!!
Alex whips around what
Sam not  baby her Alex
Jodys Alex Jody look out
Sam got him
Alex baby look out
Alex damm I have not kill a  vamp in forever
Jody yeah glad we didn't let Claire and dean take this
Sam Jody get your Alex
Jody Alex  Jody behind you
Sam this son of a bitch
Jody you ok
Alex yeah
Sam wait how are you ok
Jody Alex I'm not a dumass I  carry a knife on me
Alex smart
Jody let's get out of here
Sam yeah
They drive back to fine dean and Claire at Jody house
Claire where did y'all go
Jody we went to pick up  your sister
Claire she has a car
Jody Alex it broke down
Claire shit what you do
Jody Alex nothing it ran out of gas asshole
Jody ok be nice y'all go to bed
Sam dean we need to head out before my wife falls asleep
Jody how long is the drive
Dean like 3 hours
Jody y'all want to crash here
Dean no Alex has YouTube friends back at the bunker
Sam yeah we need to go
Jody well you gotta give me a hug
Alex walks up to hug Jody
The boys just smile
Jody bye Alex
Alex bye come on  puppy
The boys hug Jody good bye
The boys and Alex go home and and go in and crash

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