Character Listing

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1) Ash Lawson - Police Inspector

2) Brianne Howey - Cardiology doctor

3) Margaret Lawson - Ash Mum

4) Peter Lawson - Ash Uncle

5) Benjamin Scoot - Police Officer (Korporal), Ash best friend

6) Spencer Anderson - Benjamin's girlfriend

7) Lauren Peterson - Ash best friend, ER Doctor

8) Taylor Anderson -  Spencer's sister

9) Steven Carter - Big bully

10) Jennifer Storm - Steven's girlfriend

11) Yvonne Anderson - Principal of St. Andrew High

12) Jeremy Benner - Discipline teacher of St. Andrew High

13) Sonny Baretta - Ash's best friend, Boxer

14) Antonio Dickson - Boxing Coach

15) Matt Zeiring - Brianne's pretend boyfriend (Elaine's mate)

16) Elaine Barry - Dark Witch (Peter's follower)

A/N : this is my 2nd fanfic supernatural book. non proof read. please bear with me on all the errors and mistake.

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