Chapter 5

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-Luke's P.O.V-

I pour my heart and soul into the final lyrics, feeling all the sadness and fear fade slightly.

As I open my eyes meet a pair of hazel brown, almost green eyes. He looks a little older than me, and his hair is brown and wavy. He looks almost in a trance while he looks into my eyes, like he is searching for something.

"Wow. That was amazing." He says, his accent almost country and makes my insides feel all warm.

But then realisation crashes down on me of what just happened. I take a shaky deep breath, feeling all the hatred and bad thoughts crash all around me. He might of said that but he is probably lying, it was probably terrible.

I clear my throat and look up seeing him looking at me still, "Um thanks." I mumble.

He comes closer now, a smile on his face as he does so.

"What can I do for you?" I ask, looking at him but not in the eyes.

"Do you have drumsticks and guitar strings?" He asks, trying to catch my eyes.

I start feeling a little nerves and pull my sleeves further down on instinct. I can see him look at me when I do that, but he says nothing about it.

"Yeah, follow me." I say quietly before leading him to the drumsticks and guitar strings.

"Here you are." I exclaim, as soon as I say it, I turn about to leave.

"I'm Ashton." He says, startling me slightly.

I turn around to face him and see him looking at me with a smile, his dimples making him look adorable.

Wait adorable.

"I'm Luke." I say, before I can start thinking too much.

He smiles even brighter, making me smile a little as well.

"I should get back now." I say shyly, wanting to get away before I mess everything up.

He nods and replies, "Yeah of course, thanks Luke."

I smile a little at the way my name sounds coming from him, "Of course Ashton." I say before hurrying off.

As soon as I get back to the counter my mind races with thoughts.

'He hated how you sang and played the guitar. He just lied.'

'He doesn't like you; no one can like you.'

'Remember, don't get attached, you won't be around long.'

The last thought makes me shudder, remembering that I won't be around at some point. And I can't hurt more people, I know it will hurt Cal a lot. But I know he will be fine, I'm not that important anyway. And I don't know why Ashton would want to be friends with me, he probably doesn't, he was just being nice.

Not paying attention my fingers begin to dig into my cuts through my sleeve, thinking of all the bad thoughts.

I hear someone walking towards the counter and see Ashton coming towards me. I quickly make sure my arm is hidden beneath the counter.

I look down and see some blood has started to come through the fabric, I sigh knowing that's not good as I still have another few hours of shift.

Two pairs of drumsticks and some guitar strings are placed down, making me snap my attention back to Ashton.

"Did you need anything else?" I ask, as I begin to scan the items.

"No thanks, although can I ask a question?" Ashton says.

I nod, while placing the things in the bag, "Sure, also that will be ten dollars in total."

He pulls out some money and hands it to me, while saying, "Do you work here everyd- Luke why are you bleeding?"

I freeze as I realise, I had forgotten it was bleeding.

Oh shit.

"Oh, it got cut earlier, don't worry about it." I say, proud of the lie I quickly made.

Ashton frowns and says, "Do you want me to take a look at it."

I panic slightly and hide my arm back under the counter.

I shake my head replying, "No it's okay honestly, I'll sort it out later."

"Are you sure Luke, it looks kinda bad." Ashton says, looking at me in worry.

"Ashton. I'm fine. Really." I say looking him in the eyes to get my point across.

He sighs and says, "As long as you're sure. But do you work here every day?"

I frown but nod, "Yeah, I come here after school, but not on the weekends. My boss said I shouldn't work that much."

Ashton nods and says, "How old are you then?"


"Ah, makes sense. I'm 19 and go to the university a little away from here." Ashton explains.

"Oh yeah I know where you mean." I reply, not feeling all bad about this situation.

Ashton picks up the bag and says, "Well I should go, make sure your arm is okay. Thanks for the help, who knows. Might see you around Luke."

I smile a little as he beams his smile at me.

"Bye Ashton." I call out as he begins to leave.

He stops and looks over his shoulder, "Call me Ash."

I smile saying, "bye Ash."

The door closes behind him and I stand there in shock. Not only was he nice to me but he also liked my singing.

'He was lying Luke, remember. You're no one.'

I sigh, knowing it's true. I head to the back and sort out my arm and put on another work hoodie. 

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