Chapter 30

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-Ash's P.O.V-

Hearing Luke sing that song made me want to cry forever, the emotion I could hear while he sang it made my heart ache, and I wanted to hug him until he was okay.

And then hearing what Joy had said about Luke's parents made me feel even worse for him, he deserves so much better than any of that. But I'm determined to be able to help him and make him happy again.

I've made a promise to myself that I will never do anything to intentionally hurt him, and I'll always try to protect him.


Once we all sit down and turn Hell's kitchen on, I feel Luke lean on me. I smile and wrap my arm around him to keep him close.

"I missed you Ashy." He mumbles.

I look down at him and he looks so perfect while sitting there against me, without thinking I kiss his cheek delicately, making him blush and my heartbeat pick up as I whisper, "I missed you too Lukey."

Luke moves slightly in my grip, so his face is buried into my chest and his arms are wrapped weakly are my waist.

I smile when I see his eyes drooping and I run my fingers through his hair.

His eyes fall shut, and I look up a little to see Mikey and Cal looking at us with smiles on their faces. I stayed quiet, not wanting to wake up Luke.

I keep one hand in his hair and play with it a little, with my other hand draped over his waist. I feel my eyes droop closed and I let sleep take over.

-Luke's P.O.V-

"Look at how adorable they are." I hear someone whisper, I can't work out who as I still feel more asleep than awake, and I don't want to move because I'm very comfy.

"We should take a picture." Another voice whispers.

I ignore it as I hear a photo being taken and bury my head further into the familiar warmth and safety.

"-wake them." I barley hear.

Once again, I ignore it and happily fall back to sleep, feeling happy and warm where I am.


"Lukey wake up." I hear a voice whisper next to my ear, making me involuntarily shiver.

I groan and bury my head more into the warmth and tighten my grip.

A hand runs through my hair and I feel a pair of lips on my cheek and someone whisper again, "come on Lukey, you look adorable but you gotta get up so we can go out for food."

I recognise it as Ash and smile feeling warmth through my whole body. I crack my eyes open and move my head to look up at Ash with bleary eyes.

"Food." I mumble with hopeful eyes.

Ashton's face breaks out into a huge smile and he laughs while nodding, "Yup."

Yawning I stretch out then move from my comfy position on Ash to stand up. I look around and see Cal and Mikey looking at us with smiles.

I pout and say, "I was tired."

Cal laughs and says, "you both were, we have a photo."

I groan and mumble, "I heard you, but I was too comfy and warm."

I blush once I realise what I said, but I see Ash giving me a big smile and it makes me smile as well.

"Alright love birds, where do you want to go for food?" Michael asks, with a smirk on his face from what he called us. It makes me half glare at him, but not fully, as I don't mind it, and it seems neither does Ash.

"Nando's?" Ash suggests, stood beside me.

Everyone nods in agreement and Cal claps his hands together announcing, "Nando's it is then, let's go. I'll drive."

We all pile into the car, Ash sitting up front with Cal and Mikey and I at the back.

I turn to Mikey and say, "What's your favourite animal?"

He looks at me and smiles then thinks for a moment, "umm, I'm going to have to go with Kittens because they're adorable. What's yours?"

I smile, thinking kittens are quiet cute, but dogs are better. "Penguins, they're the best." I cheer.

Calum laughs and says, "They're really still your favourite animal?" He asks.

I pout and say, "Yeah, is yours still dogs."

"You got me on that one." He chuckles.

Ashton and Michael frown and Ash says, "What are you two on about?"

I laugh a little, "Well Ashy, Mikey, as you both know. Cal and I have been friends for a long time. And when we first met, he asked me what my favourite animal was and I said it was a penguin. And he said that was good, because if I had said spiders than he wouldn't be my friend." I explain.

"No, Lukey don't you remember me telling you that even if you had said spiders that I would still be friends with you." Calum says lightly.

I nod, remembering the day clearly as it was the day Cal found out.

"That's so cute." Mikey coos from beside me.

I laugh a little and shake my head.

"That is quite cute. Me and Mikey met in school, and we just never got bored of each other. Right Mikey." Ash laughs.

Michael scoffs and says, "I'm bored of you. But now we have Cal and Luke, so, I guess I'll keep you."

Cal and I laugh while Ash pouts, but when he hears me laugh his pout turns into a big smile.


I happily trail alongside Mikey, as Cal and Ash lead into Nando's.

For the first time in a long time, I feel happy and at peace with my demons. Like we have a mutual agreement, when around Cal, Mikey and Ash, they don't bother me. I know later they will come back and hit me harshly, but for now, I don't care.

I slide in the booth beside Ash, and Mikey and Cal sit opposite us.

After ordering all our food, Cal speaks up. "Guy's, has anyone checked our song?"

Everyone shakes their heads and Ash says, "I'll check."

I watch on as he pulls out his phone and begins to look at the video.

Both our eyes turn wide in shock at the sheer growth of the numbers on the screen.

1.2 Million views.

108,000 likes with only 301 dislikes.

6,987 subscribers.

"That's- woah." I stutter out.

Ashton wordlessly turns the screen to the others, and they look, their faces matching ours.

"That's so sick. Guys I'm so fucking proud of us all." Michael cheers, snapping us out of our thoughts.

I hum in agreement and say, "What do you guys think we should do next?"

"Well, I thought we could do American Idiot, by Green day. But I wondered whether I could sing some of it. I've kind of always wanted to sing it." Mikey says, looking at us all.

We all beam at him and Calum says, "Of course you can Mikey, it'll be amazing."

"I'm with Calum, you'll do amazing." Ashton says, with me nodding along.

The food comes and I smile brightly looking at my food, "Let's eat." I cheer, making everyone laugh around the table.

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