Chapter 15

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-Luke's P.O.V-

After work had finished and everyone left it was just Cal and I. I decided I needed to talk to Cal about everything, hoping maybe he could help me with it all. I'm a little nervous though, as a part of me knows he won't judge me, but another part of me is scared he will hate me for it and not want to be my friend anymore.

"Luke, you okay?" Cal asks as we sit in the car.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I ask, not wanting him to start driving yet.

Calum turns the engine off and looks at me, "Yeah Lukey, of course you can. What's up?"

I can clearly see the worry in his eyes, and I can feel the guilt eating away at me, I don't deserve his worry or concern, nor his love. I don't deserve it from Mikey or Ash, they all deserve so much better than me.

"It's just, I'm confused about some stuff." I whisper, now wishing I never said anything.

I watch as Cal raises an eyebrow saying, "confused about what?"

I take a deep, steadying breath and say, "Who I like. It's just, I've always thought I liked girls, but then Ashton comes along, and I really like him, and I find everything about him, amazing. Please don't hate me."

I don't look at him, not wanting to see his face turn in disgust, and the hate set into his eyes.

"Lukey look at me." Calum whispers, his voice sounding soft, no hate evident.

I turn my head and look at him, with tears glistening in my eyes.

His eyes hold understanding, and no disgust.

"Do you like girls?" He asks, making me frown slightly.

Do I? I mean, I've been a little interested, yet I never got a girlfriend. I guess I've never properly thought about it, I mean sure girls are cute, but some boys are so hot.

"I mean, kind of." I say with a light shrug.

He nods and carries on saying, "Okay, what about dudes?"

I think about it, and my mind wanders to Ashton. His hair, that looks so soft. His eyes that look amazing when they catch the light, and his lips that call for me. Just him, to me, is hot as hell.

"Well, yeah." I whispered.

Calum nods and I look to him.

"You're bisexual then Lukey." He concludes.

"I thought I might be honestly. You don't hate me or anything, right?" I mumble, hoping he won't lash out at me for it.

I see his eyes soften and he shakes his head, "No of course not Lukey. I wondered if you might be actually, but I wasn't that sure until Ashton. And I have something to tell you as well."

I furrow my eyebrows and say, "Yeah, what's up?"

I watch as he takes a deep steadying breath. "Promise you won't be angry?" He hesitated.

Fear seeps into my bones, and thoughts race through my head.

'He hates you, you're a nobody.'

'No one could like a faggot like you.'

'Worthless piece of shit.'

I swallow hard and blink, trying to push the thoughts away as I numbly nod.

"I just- I didn't tell you because I wasn't sure until recently okay." He says, his voice faltering in what I guess is fear.

"What's wrong?" I question, my voice cracking in fear.

"I'm gay, and I know I should of told you, but like I only just found out, and I swear I didn't mean to keep it a secret from you, because you're my best friend and the one I trust most. It's just I never found a good time to tell you and-"Calum rushes out.

"Cal, calm down." I tell him, already knowing I'm not angry nor upset just relieved that he it wasn't anything that I though.

"You're- you're not angry?" He stutters out.

I smile at him and shake my head, "Cal Pal, you're my best friend. I'm not angry at you for not saying anything but thank you for telling me."

I see Calum's face light up and he pulls me into a hug, although it's a little hard with things in the way from the car, I hug him back nevertheless, making sure to keep my left arm a little lose to not put pressure on it.

"You're the best Lukey." Cal whispers, making me smile.

-Ash's P.O.V-

I sigh as we begin to drive away, already missing being with Luke, and Calum of course.

"Dude, what's wrong?" Michael asks from beside me.

I think for a moment before saying, "what did you think of Luke and Cal?"

I can see his eyes light up and he says, "I'm so happy you met Luke, like I love them both so much. They fit right in with us, and Calum is hot, but don't tell him I said that. I also just wanted to hug Luke because he seemed so sad at some points."

I feel my heart sink a little and say, "so you saw it as well?"

"Yeah, I think Cal might know some things that were wrong, but I'm not going to push him or Cal to tell me, it's not really our place. And just to let you know, I want them in the band." He exclaims.

I nod in agreement and say, "Yeah I'm with you on that. Mikey, you'll keep a secret right?"

"Obviously, Ash, I'm amazing at keeping secrets. Now what's on your mind?" He questions.

I take a deep breath then say, "I like really like Luke. You know."

We both know of each other's sexuality, Mikey came out to me, then I did.

He turns and gives me a huge beaming smile, "You do?" He asks me.

I clear my throat and nod, "Yeah, I really do."

"I think he likes you as well." Mikey says with a shrug.

I almost crash the car in my shock as I hastily reply, "Woah wait really?"

"Yeah Ash, have you not seen the way he sometimes looks at you." Michael laughs.

I stay quiet, but a huge smile is plastered onto my face at that. 

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