Chapter 12

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As the day progressed, I started to feel better and better. Sure, my arm still hurt a lot and I had to make sure Calum wouldn't notice, but it was fun.

I had taught him Amnesia and we split the verses up. Honestly, I'm pretty proud of how it sounds, and we plan on showing Ash and Mikey, even though I'm scared it will end really bad.

"Ready?" Cal calls out to me.

I nod, already dressed in my uniform, which just consist of some black skinny jeans and a work hoodie, keeping my arms out of view.

I sit in the car as Cal begins the drive to the music store.

"What do you think we'll do tomorrow?" I ask quietly, looking out the window.

I see out of the corner of my eye Cal shrug and saying, "I'm not sure honestly, but it'll be good."

I nod in agreement, actually looking forward to hanging out with everyone, even though it might be a bad idea in the long run, I just want to feel a little bit of joy with friends. Don't get me wrong being with Cal does make me happy, but sometimes I wish I had some more friends.

"Come on Lukey, we're here." Cal says, as the car stops.

I start to walk to the store and mutter, "Here goes nothing."

-Ash's P.O.V-

When I text Luke last night and he never replied, I couldn't help but worry. I know I was probably overreacting, but I thought he might text back, but he hasn't even seen it.

I text him a few more times and once in the morning with still no reply.

"Dude, you need to chill." Michael says from beside me as we walk into college.

I sigh and say, "I know Mikey, it's just he should of text me back by now, or at least seen it. He should be going or at school by now. What if something happened once I left."

I see Mikey look a little concerned as well but then he says, "Just give it time, it might not even be his number."

I nod and mumble, "Yeah, maybe you're right."

As soon as I say that though my phone vibrated.

I quickly pull it out and see a text from Luke.

Luke- Yeah Ash sorry, I fell asleep when I got home and didn't wake up until long ago.

I sigh in relief and I'm about to reply but I see the head looking at me so I quickly put my phone away, knowing I'll text him back soon.

"So, is he okay?" Michael asks, looking at me.

I nod and say, "Yeah, he had fallen asleep last night and just woke up."

Now that I say it out loud, it sounds a little strange, but I brush it off as at least he texts me back, which means he is okay.


"Good." Michael says, also sounding relieved.

"Oh, so I spoke to Luke yesterday, and I asked him about joining the band. But he also has a friend who I met briefly called Calum, who is also good apparently. So, I thought we should all hang out tomorrow and get to know each other before we decide?" I explain, also asking if he is okay with out.

Michael seems to think over it all then he smiles and says, "I'm down, I think it'll be cool."

I smile at him sincerely and say, "Thanks Mikey."

"Always Ashy." He says his tone mocking slightly.

I fake glare and pull my phone out again to text Luke.

Me- Thank God you're okay. I was so worried.

Luke- Sorry Ash, oh and I spoke to Cal and he wants to meet as well.

Me- Nice, Michael is down as well. I'll see you at the store later?

Luke- Yeah, Cal will be there as well I'm pretty sure.

Me- Okay, should I bring Mikey as well?

Luke- If you want sure.

Me- Okay, see ya later Lukey.

Luke- Byee.

I look to Michael who is now also on his phone.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I ask, putting my phone down.

Michael also puts his phone down and looks to me saying, "yeah, what's up?"

"Well, later when I see Luke, he said Calum will be there, which is a little strange, but anyway, I wanted to know if you wanted to come so then we could all hang out before tomorrow?" I question.

"Hold up, let me check my schedule." He says, before pulling a random book from his bag.

His eyes scan over, words, or well, something, until he looks back up to me.

"Schedule is all clear, I'll come." He says, giving me a huge smile.

I shake my head fondly and laugh a little, finding some of the things he does funny.

"That's good to know." I say while looking around.

I notice not many people are around and check the time on my phone.

"We better get to class." I say, standing up with my bag.

Mikey is close behind me and following.


We climb into the car once we have finished and I start the car.

"Ready?" I ask looking at Michael who is sat beside me.

"Yep, and I want to look at all the instruments and stuff." He says, while looking out the window.

I begin driving there and say, "Just be extra nice okay, no mean jokes please, at least not yet."

I see from the corner of my eye him gasp and place his hand over his heart.

"I'll have you know I am not mean. But I will, at least until I see what they are both like. If I don't like them, I will be like that, but if I do, I won't say anything mean to them. At least not yet, like if we stay friends then I probably will be mean, because that's just who I am, and-"

"Mikey." I cut him off, with a chuckle as he rambles on.

Michael clears his throat then says, "Yeah, well you get the point."

I smile and say, "Yeah, I do. And thanks." 

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