Chapter 44

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Today was the day before tour and I was so anxious. My parents still didn't know, and thankfully they were home tonight. The plan was for Cal to pick me up so we could go to his and then meet the other two tomorrow.

I've packed everything I needed, including a blade- which I'm not proud about, but I know I might not be able to cope without it.

The album was released a few days ago, and it's already at the top of the charts in Australia and Britain. It's so crazy now, like we now have an album and we're going on tour.

We got told by Milo that in between the shows we would have interviews for the album and upcoming things, like the shows. It makes me quiet anxious, but it should be fine.


Calum was going to be here in an hour, and I knew now was the time to tell them.

I drag my hesitant body down the steps and into the living room where my 'parents' sat. They look up when they sense my presence and I watch as they both roll their eyes before directing their attention back to the tv.

I sigh, knowing this won't end well.

"I- um, I need to talk to you." I say, trying to not stutter in fear.

"What." Mum says, her tone angry and uncaring.

I look down and take a deep breath knowing it's now or never. "As you know I'm in a band. And we were contacted by an agent, and we got signed onto a record. And well- what I'm saying is, tomorrow I'm going on tour with them." I blurt out.

They look up to me with unreadable expressions until I see an evil smirk take over my 'father's' face.

"So, you're leaving?" He asks in an unusually excited tone.

I gulp and say, "Um yeah, it's for about 2 to 3 months."

My 'mum' scoffs and says, "Finally we can get rid of you. Go on your stupid tour, but don't think you can come back. Once your so-called little tour is over, you can come back, but only to get your things. And never come back. You're worthless to us, you have no talent and we would all be better off without you."

My heart feels like it's being constricted, sure I don't like them; but they're my family, my parents. And yet this is what they say.

My 'dad' laughs and says, "I'm with her on that. You can go, we don't care. But don't bother coming back. You won't get anywhere in a band; we can promise you that."

I stay silent and go back upstairs, feeling worse than I ever have. I clench my fists, feeling my nails dig into the palms of my hands. Glancing over to my bed I see Pengy sat there and I quickly grab him and hold him close to me while the tears fall.

"Why am I not good enough? Why does everyone hate me?" I sob out, wanting desperately to cut my wrists, even if Calum were to see and be upset, I just want it to be over.

I'm not sure how much time passes, with the tears silently falling, with Pengy on my lap until I hear my phone buzz.

I see a text saying he is here, and I take a deep breath while looking around my room, knowing I won't be back for a very long time.

I grab Pengy in one hand, while swinging my guitar over my shoulder and with my other hand grab my suitcase with everything, I need it in. I had already grabbed my passport- just in case and for the future- and any document I might need.

All the others have turned 19, and in a month or so I'll be 18, meaning I'll be classed as an adult.

I walk down the stairs with a heavy heart, knowing now that my parents don't even want me around either. A part of me if happy though to be able to leave, and maybe start over. But I know I'm teetering on the edge of a cliff, with only one more push before it all becomes too much for me.

I walk down the steps and see my parents look up then look away, not even bothering to say goodbye to me.

Sighing I walk out and shut the door behind me, before making my way to Calum's car.

As soon as I open the door, I hear him shout, "IT'S C-DIZZLE, HERE TO PICK UP MA BEST FRIEND."

I can't help but smile at that, "Hey C-dizzle." I say happily.

He frowns when he looks at me, "are you okay Lukey, you seem upset. Has something happened?"

I shake my head lightly and reply, "No it's okay. Just shocked is all." I hate lying to him, knowing that what I'm saying is so far from the truth. But I don't have the strength to tell him that my parents have pretty much kicked me out and told me I'm nothing.

I know I'm nothing.

I'm no one.

He seems hesitant to agree but nonetheless he nods, "If you're sure Penguin. I'm here though okay."

"I know Cal Pal, thank you." I reply, as he begins to drive away from the place I've called home for as long as I can remember. And yet, for so long it hasn't been my home, my home has been when I was with Calum and Michael and Ashton.

They're my home.


"Come on, let's go my mum has made a big meal for us as a goodbye kind of thing. And that she is proud and all." Calum says as we pull up to his house.

I smile sadly, wishing I had that with my family.

"You're mum is so nice." I say grabbing my things and following Cal.

He smiles and says, "well she is proud of us. You know she has always seen you as a second son, so of course she would be nice to you."

That puts a genuine smile on my face as Joy has always acted like my mum to me.

As soon as the door to the house is pushed open, I hear Joy shout, "My boys." And pulls us both into hugs.

"Hi Joy." I mumble while hugging her back, and Calum as he wraps his arm around me and his mum.

"My little Lukey, I know maybe your parents haven't said this. But I'm so proud of you, you're so talented okay. And goes for you my little boy, I'm so proud of you as well." Joy says looking at me then Calum.

I smile brightly at her and say, "Thank you. It means a lot."

"Always, now come on, let's go celebrate." She says, ushering us into the kitchen.


The next day, Cal and I were back in that car with everything we needed and heading to the studio where we would meet the others and get on the bus to begin the tour.

"This is it." Calum says as we pull up.

"I can't believe we've done it." I say emotionally, looking at him with watery eyes.

He pulls me into a hug- although it was a little hard with the things in the way- and he whispered, "I'm so proud of you, I know how hard it must have been. But we've all done so well."

I pull away with a smile on my face, I was about to reply when someone knocks on the window.

I look over and see Ash stood there with a huge smile, I push the door open and fall into his arms. 

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