Chapter 18

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We all trail behind Mikey, both Cal and I gripping our guitars.

I could feel the excitement bubble up within me, looking forward to playing as part of a band. Normally I hate playing in front of people, and them hearing me. But with the boys I feel different, I don't know what it is. But I just feel safer with them, and happier. Part of me doesn't like it though as I know it can't last, it never can with me. People say they love me but always leave me, first my brothers, then my parents and soon Calum, Ash and Mikey.

I push the thoughts aside and focus on the excitement, knowing I should grip it tight while it lasts.

We walk into the garage and I see a set of drums out with an electric guitar hooked up. There are microphones around and speakers as well, honestly it looks pretty cool.

"Nice set up." Calum comments.

I nod and say, "it is pretty cool."

Michael smiles at the two of us, "Thanks guys, you guys can hook up your guitars to the speakers and we also have some mics if that's okay."

Both of us nod and we hook them up.

"Do you two know any Green Day songs?" Ash asks, sitting down at his drums.

I look at Cal and I say, "Yeah, we learnt 21 guns but obviously there was no drummer." I shyly look over at Ashton and see him looking at me with a soft smile, making his dimples shine.

Both Ash and Mikey smile, "We know that one too, you guys wanna try play?" Mikey asks.

"Sure, who wants to do vocals?" Cal asks, looking at everyone.

Everyone's eyes land on me and I shrink away and shake my head, "can't we split it?"

"What if, Luke does half the verses at the start, then Cal can do the second half, and everyone in the chorus?" Ash suggests.

"I'm okay with that." I agree, the others also agreeing with Ashton.

"Ready?" Ash asks, once we have microphones set up.

I feel the nerves pick up, and bad thoughts try to control me, but I push them back, not wanting to be distracted by them and ending up messing.

Everyone nods and Ash says, "1. 2. 1 2 3 4." Then it began.


"That was. Woah." Cal says once we finishes, and I honestly agree.

We all work so well together, like we have been a band for so long. It felt great, and I didn't want it to end.

"That was actually amazing." Ash says standing up from his drum kit.

I nod agreeing with him.

"I'm just going to say it, and Ash you can disagree with me here. But I think they should join the band, of course if you want to though." Mikey says looking between us all.

My eyes turn wide in shock, not really thinking they would want me in the band, I would understand why they would want Calum, he is amazing at playing the guitar and his voice is amazing.

"I'm with Mikey on this one. You guys are amazing, and all together we could make an awesome band." Ashton says, smiling to the both of us.

"Are you guys sure you want me, if you only wanted Calum I would understand." I mumble, not meeting anyone's eyes.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, and I look up to see Calum stood beside me with looking at me with sad eyes.

"Luke, don't say that, please." He begs me, looking at close to tears.

I frown and say, "I'm sorry, but you know sometimes I think like that."

"You shouldn't Luke, Michael and I weren't lying. We really do want the both of you in our band. Not just Calum, and not just you. Both of you." Ash reassures me, stepping forward with Michael close behind, nodding in agreement with him.

"So, what do you guys say?" Michael asks, looking at Cal and I.

I glance over to Cal and I can see his eyes lighting up, and a smile spread across his face. He looks at me, and as soon as he does know the answer.

"We would love to, thank you." I say, a smile growing on my face as I let it all sink in.

Both Ash and Mikey cheer and I'm engulfed in another warm hug.

I hug him back tightly, feeling safer than ever in his arms.

"Thank God you said yes Lukey, I would've cried if you didn't." Ash whispers into my ear.

I rest my head on his chest and smile whispering back, "Well Ashy, now you don't have to cry."

He pulls away a little and looks into my eyes, his eyes shining brightly. "Ashy, normally I don't let people call me that. But I'll give you the exception."

All the bad thoughts that once lingered have gone, now being replaced with good thoughts.

"Wow thanks, I'm so privileged." I fake mock, a huge smile on my face as I pull away.

He fake glares at me, and honestly, in that very moment I felt like I wasn't broken. Like I wasn't thinking about killing myself, even though I am, but it's like he is fixing me. Patching up the holes and trying to save me.

"Group hug." I shout, then being pulled into a huge hug by everyone.

I had Mikey beside me, with Ash on the other side and Cal in front of me.

We all pull away and I can't keep the smile off my face as I look at everyone, shocked that I am now part of a band.

"Isn't it crazy how fast we have all become friends." I say.

Everyone nods in agreement as Michael says, "I love it though. Ashton was my only proper friend, and my best friend, and I already count you guys as my best friends as well. Sorry Ash."

Ash shakes his head and looks to Calum and I, "Nah, I'm not angry."

"I can't believe I'm part of an awesome band." Cal mumbles, making me agree and the others laugh.

"We need a name for the band." Ash suggest, as we all walk into the game room and sit down.

"We do." Michael agrees, making us all think.

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