Chapter 8

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-Ashton's P.O.V-

Thursday's have always been a good day for me, but now that I'm going to see Luke after all my classes it makes it even better.

"Mate calm down." Michael says looking at me with a funny look on his face.

I pout saying, "I am calm, I just wanna get you home so I can go to the store."

Mikey looks at me and says, "I still don't get why I can't come see him, you do know I could just go and see him without you right."

I shake my head keeping my eyes on the road and saying, "No, I want him to get used to me and so we can become friends before he meets you."

Michael gasps and places his hand on his heart.

"I am wounded Ashy; do you not want me scaring him away. Oh wait, or do you not want me to become his favourite." He quips.

I send him a quick glare replying, "Shut up, I just want him to be comfortable around me before he meets you. Your personality can be quite strong at times."

Michael seems to think over this a little more and then says, "Okay yeah I agree."

"Good, I'll see you later." I say, as I pull into his drive.

"Thanks for the ride, text me how it goes with this Luke." Mikey says before jumping out the car before I can shout at him.

I mean sure, I like Luke, but I can't be that sure right now as I've only spoken to him for like ten minutes and he might not even be into dudes.

I turn the car around and start driving back towards the store.

-Luke's P.O.V-

"Luke, are you okay?" Cal asks as we sit at a table at lunch.

I glance up from my half-eaten lunch and say, "yeah, I'm fine just thinking."

"About what Lukey?" Cal asks, concern lacing his voice.

I shake my head, not even knowing myself what I'm thinking about. It's more of like my mind has gone numb. Questions circle around my head, some good some bad. But I want it all to shut up, to fall silent and stop making me feel so bad every time I start to feel okay again.

"Lukey." Cal asks, one of his hands on my shoulder.

I look up and into his eyes, suddenly feeling mentally exhausted.

Cal seems to notice this as he wordlessly pulls into a tight hug.

"It's okay Lukey, it's okay." Cal soothes as I hug him back, silent tears fall down my face.

I can't explain it. It's like one moment I'm okay, but as soon as one bad thought enters my mind more do and soon, I'm swallowed by them. I think Cal saw it in my eyes.

"You're okay Lukey." Cal whispers still hugging me.

I fall further into his warm embrace, missing comfort like this.

"Thank you Cal Pal." I whisper, with my head buried in his shoulder.


As Calum pulls the car up to work, he stops the car all together. I frown and look at him as he starts to unbuckle, the seatbelt.

"What are you doing?" I question him.

"Staying with you for a little, come on Lukey, can't be late." Cal says, his voice holding no room for an argument.

I smile a little at that, so grateful for having him, but also feeling guilty.

"But don't you have something more imp-" I start saying, my voice a light whisper until I get cut off by Cal.

"If you're about to say something more important don't. Because as far as I care you're the most important thing in my life from day one. You're my best friend and I will always be here for you and to care for you. Even if I did have something to do, I would drop it all to make sure you're okay. Now come on." Cal explains before stepping out the car.

I let a real smile slip onto my face, even though my thoughts are still battling within, I feel a little better from what Calum says. He really is the best.

I follow him out the car and we walk into the store.

I see Joey at the counter again and walk over to him.

"Hey Luke, how was it yesterday?" Joey asks as I walk behind the counter.

"It wasn't too bad thanks. Is it okay if Calum hangs around for a bit?" I ask him.

Joey nods saying, "Of course, just don't let him distract you if there is a customer. I have some paperwork to do so are you okay here?"

"Yeah." I say as I quickly go to the back to change.


It's been an hour since my shift started and me and Cal are just talking and playing guitar while I teach him my new song.

Just as I was about to teach him the end of it his phone started ringing.

I stay quiet as he answers his phone.

"Hey mum, what's up?" He asks.

I watch as his face falls and says, "Yeah I know but I'm with Lukey."

I frown, not wanting to be an issue.

"I know you do mum, okay bye." He says before hanging up.

I tilt my head in confusion and Calum sighs. "I'm sorry Luke, mum wants me home, my cousins have come over and I have to be there. She says she is sorry and that if you wanted you can come by after work because you are practically part of the family."

I look down a little sadly but nod saying, "It's okay I get it. And it's fine I won't come by, tell your mum I say thanks though, and she may as well be my mum."

Cal gives me a sympathetic smile as he says, "Have you really still not seen your mum and dad around yet?"

I shake my head replying, "I saw my mum this morning for like ten seconds, but she didn't even acknowledge my exist. The last time I spoke to them was like two weeks ago."

Cal's face falls as he shakes his head, "I'm really sorry Lukey, that's not fair on you one bit. I really have to go now, but text me later if you need me okay. I love you Lukey, you're like a brother to me."

I smile and nod saying, "Thanks Cal, I love you too."

He smiles one last time before leaving. A part of me wants to call out for him, feeling lonely again but I stay quite as my best friend leaves. 

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