Chapter Two

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chapter two

I walked quietly down the halls. For being the size that I am my steps weren't loud, and on top of that I am 6'7, yeah I'm tall as fuck, Kinda hate it kinda love it.

I tower over people. I love being friends with people who are like 5'8, they're so fucking tiny it's cute in a weird way. Okay, love is a strong word, I don't love having friends, since I only have... like.. 4?

One thing about being tall that I hate, there's a lot of reasons actually, having to lean down when I shower, having to duck down when I walk into a classroom. I've hit my head so many times on door frames, it's not even funny.

None of those things were on my mind right now. The only thing that was on my mind was that Declan, Declan fucking Blackwood was my fucking mate. The one person I had wished it not the be. 

I didn't get butterflies in my stomach, the world didn't stop when I looked at him, my heart wasn't hammering in my chest, not one of those things happened. And why? I have no fucking idea. Maybe it's because he's a demon? 


My dad, Isaac Villin, wasn't very fond of same-gender couples, okay no, he loathed them, he wanted every gay person dead. One of my close friends came out a couple of years back and my dad threatened to exile him from my pack. Jesus Christ it was hard to convince him to let her stay.

"What the hell am I supposed to do?" I mumbled, I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and called my mom.

"Honey? Why are you calling me while you should be in class?" My mum knew how much I hated school and how much I got into fights and that disappointed her a little, I wasn't really bothered by it though. Disappointing her, I mean. I was used to it. My dad told me I was a worthless piece of shit every fucking chance he got, I wouldn't really be that surprised if my mom actually hated me.

"Mum— I'm uh- can't— stressed"

"Honey, do not scare me like that again, I thought you were dying, you never call me. Take a deep breath, think about your grandmother, okay?"

Yeah, my grandmother, fuck I miss her. My grandmother and I had been close, really close, we were best friends, I could tell her literally anything. Once she found out what my dad had started saying to me, she almost beat his ass to a fucking pulp,

I'd never seen her so fucking angry. After she died, I lost myself, I didn't really know what to do, or who to trust. So, I didn't do anything, trusted no one. I don't trust my family, I don't trust my so-called friends either. 

My mom knew she was the only one that could calm me down if I got stressed, because sooner or later that stress was going to turn into anger and I could accidentally beat someone to a pulp. 

Keyword, accidentally.

"Okay.. I'm okay.. I think.."I whispered and my mother sighed out in relief.

"Good. I know you miss her honey but I wasn't your fault. None of it was okay? She's watching over you, remember that."My mom said. I knew she was just trying to get me to feel better, it wasn't really working. It never worked.

"Bye honey, go back to class"

To class? As if, I'm not going back to that fucking class. No fucking way. I would rather jump in a fucking pool of lava.

Something, or rather someone, touched my shoulder and I almost jumped out of my skin. Why do people sneak up on others? I turned around and was about to hit the person, when I realised it was that stupid fucker, Zach.

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