Chapter Six

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chapter six

Everything was black. I heard soft murmurs and some kind of beeping that was pissing me the fuck off. Can I never get a good night of fucking sleep?

I opened my eyes slowly and hissed at the bright light that attacked me. Everything went silent except for that stupid peeping. I looked around, trying to find the source of the beeping. I frowned when I didn't recognise the walls of the room, I wasn't in my bedroom.

My eyes widened when memories of last night came back. I passed out, why did I pass out? And why the fuck am I in.. a hospital? No. The pack hospital?

And why the fuck is my hand warm? Who in the fuck is holding my hand? I looked down and saw a pair of amber coloured eyes looking at me. 

"Blake? Mrs Villin he's awake!"

I groaned, yanking my hand from Declan's hand and tried to roll over but he pressed his hand against my chest and pushed me back so that I was once again laying on my back.

I tried slapping his hand away from my chest but ended up slapping his stomach for some odd reason. How close to me was he? I opened my eyes again and inched back against the pillow, his face was so close to me, our noses were almost touching.

"Off" I croaked, my throat was as dry as fucking sandpaper. Declan rolled his eyes but complied and sat down on the chair he had been sitting on just as my mom came running into the room.

"My baby!" She cried. She ran over to me and hugged me. I frowned in confusion, why was she hugging me? She never hugged me. 

Her body was shaking and it made my frown deepen. Is she crying? She is, isn't she? Why in the fuck is she crying? 

My mum finally pulled away and looked at me. I stared at her with a slight frown. Tears were still falling down her cheeks but she didn't seem to care.

"What is.. he doing here?" I coughed, bringing my hand up to rub my throat. My mom looked at Declan and then back at me with a raised eyebrow. She rolled her eyes when I pointed my finger at the water glass that was beside me.

I brought the water to my lips and took a big gulp. My throat didn't feel like sandpaper anymore, that was good at least. My gaze wandered back to Declan. I frowned, wondering why the fuck he was there, I looked back at my mom who was still staring at me but now she was staring at me with an annoyed look as if she hadn't been crying a minute ago.

Why the fuck... 

My eyes widened and spit out the water that was in my mouth, it sprayed all over my mum who was looking more annoyed now. I hit my chest, coughing. I had completely forgotten that I had told my mom about Declan.

Declan was looking at me with a raised eyebrow and a tiny smile. My mum sighed and got up, I knew she didn't want to leave me after I collapsed but she wanted me to talk to Declan about the whole mate bond.

How was I going to explain it to him? He wouldn't understand it since he's not a werewolf. Why would he? Demon's don't get mates, they choose them. They choose who they're going to spend the rest of their life with. Werewolves don't get that chance, some stupid woman who's our goddess choose them.

Can't we have as much will-power as demons? Even vampires get to choose! And us werewolf have fucking soul-mates, our mate has a part of our soul in them and it's so infuriating. What if I don't want to share my soul with someone? I never even wanted a fucking mate.

I'll end up hurting him someway. Either I'm going to accidentally break his heart by saying something mean or just hurt him. I have no fucking control of my goddamn temper around anyone, does the fucking moon goddess or whatever the fuck people call her really believe I won't accidentally attack him?

Even the fucking bird-folk or whatever the fuck their called nowadays get to choose who they spend their life together with! The fucking bird-folk! They're half fucking birds! They can fucking fly! If I had to choose between the bird-folk and the werewolves who had to get chosen mates I would choose the fucking bird-folk! They're so much better at the whole love thing.

Did they go extinct? They did didn't they... no wait, the elves went extinct! Wait, the fucking elves are the ones making sure the whole goddamn supernatural fucking world don't go extinct. Or is it the gods?

Were Selkies mermaids? No.. they were those Seal-like people right? And they went extinct.

Okay so the Selkie's went extinct. 

That's not the fucking point! Every creature except for werewolves are able to choose their mates! If I find out it was Zeus forced us werewolves to get soul-mates, I'm seriously somehow going to fucking kill him. If he's alive still.

Oh yeah, forgot about the fact that the gods live in a whole different realm. They have access to ours but we have no idea how to get to theirs. Oh and yeah I can't go up against a Greek god. He's.. well... a god after all. 

I'm a fucking werewolf wanting to go against a Greek god. The Greek god who's king of the fucking gods.

"Blake?" I snapped out of my thoughts to see Declan looking at me with a curious look. My mom had already left the room and I'm guessing I had been staring into his eyes for at least 5 minutes.

Fuck, now I have to tell him about the whole mate thing, don't I?

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