Chapter Seventeen

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chapter seventeen

He's not leaving.

I sigh heavily as I take the lukewarm baby formula out of the fridge, I glanced over at Declan, he was still staring at me.

I made my way to Ace, he was still sitting on the sofa in the living room. I let myself relax when I approached him.

"Ace?" I whispered, I didn't know if he was sleeping or not. He turned his head and looked at me sleepily. I picked him up and rested him against me and started feeding him the baby formula.

I watched him as he ate, he was incredibly hungry. I didn't know how often to feed him since I didn't eat, but I guess I have to feed him often.

Once he was done, I sat him back on the sofa and went to the kitchen and put the baby bottle in the sink. I turned around and stared at Declan.

I narrowed my eyes at him when he didn't look away. If he had been a werewolf I would've thought he was challenging me as alpha but he wasn't, obviously.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Look, I want you to leave, I don't want you to be here anymore, okay? So please leave"

"I know you don't want me to leave" He replied and stood up. I tensed when he walked over to me.

"Leave" I said through gritted teeth. He simply shook his head and didn't stop walking until he was right in front of me. I smirked when he raised his head to look me in the eye.

"I'm not leaving." Wait a second, this is great, I can go out for a run.

"Fine, I'll leave then. Take care of Ace" I said and walked around him and to my backyard. I heard him yell after me, I looked behind me as I crouched down. Declan was running towards me, I raised my hand and waved at him as I started to shift.

The moment I felt my paws hit the ground, I was off. Running through the woods, feeling like one with nature. The woods behind my house were a part of the Silent Hill woods as well. It was quieter in the Silent Hill forest than in a normal forest, or the forest behind my parent's house

My grandmother had showed me Silent Hill. "Some have said that they have found a portal in these woods, a portal to the god realm. Only people who are worthy enough can see that portal, Blake." She had told me, I obviously believed her when I was little. Now? I don't know.

I want to believe her. Who wouldn't want to find a portal that leads into the god realm? Maybe I could finally find some answers about who I am, where I actually came from, who my real parents are.

Neither of my parents have ever mentioned me being adopted, but I know I am. The only thing I have in common with my family is..

"The werewolf part..." I said out loud. I flopped down onto the ground once I made it to the stream. I was always drawn here for some reason, to this exact spot. Maybe it was because of how peaceful it was. I felt at home.

I shifted back and looked into the water. The water always reminded me of my grandmother, I remember when her and I used to play in our wolf forms together in it.

I froze when I saw a hand come out of the water. My eyes widened and I scrambled to my feet. I stepped closer to the water. I couldn't see a body, only a hand. I stepped back when the hand started wiggling, actually fucking wiggling.

What the fuck am I supposed to do?

"H- wait am I actually about to talk to a fucking hand?" I asked myself and looked back up at the hand, I mean, the two hands. There were two now.

I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head and walked into the water. I grabbed onto both of the hands and started yanking them. Don't know if there's a body under there or not, but someone's clearly drowning.

One last yank and I flew backwards with incredible force. The wind was knocked out of me when my back hit a tree. I coughed and rolled over onto my side and faced the water.

Yeah, I'm hallucinating. That cannot be fucking real.

There was a man, about 7 feet tall with black hair, black ripped jeans with a black dress shirt, that's... different. He had a scabbard strapped around his back, I could see the handle of a sword over his shoulder, his arms were covered in a big ass serpent tattoo.

I looked back up at him and saw that he was staring at me. I would've been scared as fuck if I hadn't seen his eyes, one gold eye and one red.

Okay, that's it, I'm hallucinating.

"great, I hit the fucking tree so hard that I'm hallucinating and seeing an older version of me." I grumbled and sat up, wincing as I did.

"Excuse me?" I froze at the voice, I slowly turned my head towards the man. I flinched slightly when he took a step forward.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"Ares, god of war."

I'm fucking hallucinating.


a sheath for the blade of a sword or dagger, typically made of leather or metal.

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