Chapter Three

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chapter three 

"Dude, why did that mutt run out in the middle of class? Did you say something to him?" One of Declan's friends asked him. It was pretty annoying for him to ask that since I was literally sitting next to them. 

It took everything in me not to smash the guys head against his desk but I had some type of self-control. I actually didn't. The only reason I wasn't actually attacking the guy was because Declan was sitting there, in my way. 

I couldn't just push Declan out of his chair and jump on the fucking desk and kick the guy in the face, now could I? 

Now that I think of it.. I could. I was Blake Villin for Christs sake, future alpha of... fuck... what was.. shit. Blake you're the future fucking alpha of your pack and you forget your pack name? Really? Wow. 

Ah! The Silver Crescent Moon Pack. Don't know why I forgot it, since I've basically known it since I was born. I have known it since I was born... Am I stupid..? Don't answer that. 

Are you stupid? 

Answer that instead. 

"No, I touched his arm because he was about to break the fucking desk in half." Declan answered. I almost scoffed, I was not about to break that fucking desk, I may have dented it a little but I was not going to break it. 

"Oi, earth to Declan." Matthew, I only knew his name because he was always annoying the fuck out of Declan and Declan was always yelling at him to shut up. 

I wasn't staring at them, I wasn-- they were right fucking beside me okay? I was allowed to fucking look. 

"Declan, mate are you listening to me?" Matt asked. I hadn't actually noticed but me and Declan had been staring at each other for a long time. 

Declan shook his head and looked at Matt. "Nah not listening, gotta study." Declan mumbled.

Matt stared at Declan with a blank expression and then he looked at me. He narrowed his eyes at me and I smiled at him and made a motion with my hand. 

Guess what motion it was, yup, you guess it. 

The cock sucking  motion or whatever it was called. 

"What the fuck" Matt mumbled and hit Declan's shoulder while looking at me. My smile faded and I pushed down the urge to rip his heart out. . 

"Mate, I think you've got an admirer." Matt whispered to Declan and pointed at me.

"Mate, can you shut the fuck up?" Declan hissed and shoved Matt. I guess Matt wasn't expecting Declan to shove him that hard, he was sitting like a goddamn baboon and fell of the chair. 

Declan snorted and he looked down at his paper. 

Yes, I was still looking at him fuck off. 

I'd never actually realised how good-looking he was. His hair was actually pretty messy but it was a cute kind of messy, his hair was this beautiful white colour and it literally looked like someone just dumped a thick batch of snow on his head it was so fucking white. 

His eyes were this weird amber colour, they were fucking adorable. And don't even get me started on his fucking clothes, the white t-shirt he was wearing clung onto his fucking biceps in such a way that made me go fucking wild, his black khakis looked, for some odd reason, so good on him and I fucking hate khakis. 

Declan turned his head to look at me, as if he felt the way I was looking at him. I was doing way more than just checking him out, I was basically undressing him with my eyes. I could tell Declan saw my eyes, they were probably glowing like crazy. 

Do I give a fuck? 


"Mate, stop eye-fucking that mutt" Matt muttered loud enough for me and Declan to hear him clearly. I glared at him and he actually seemed scared but quickly hid it with some weird ass fucking smile that actually creeped me out a little, he looked like the goddamn Cheshire cat. 

I saw the way Declan looked at Matt, it looked like he wanted to kill him. Wow, me and Declan are more alike than I thought we were. Like yeah we had basically the same body type only I was a little taller and had more muscle than him but he never got into fights like me. 

He was basically the schools fucking angel while I was the demon. 

That says a lot since Declan is an actual demon and I'm a fucking werewolf. None of us are actually angels we're both demons, he's literally a demon while I'm a demon in the way that I love killing and ripping people apart. 

Gore? Yes. Do I care? No. 

Matt started ranting about how the paper he was writing had nothing to do with the class and how the teacher was stupid for assigning an assignment that was 'stupidly hard'. 

I could tell Declan was trying to ignore him but Matt kept touching him to make him pay attention to him and I could tell it was pissing Declan off. I wanted to get up and smash Matt's head against a fucking window. 

But I didn't. 

"Matt." Declan said in a calm tone, I could tell he was everything except for calm. 

Matt looked at Declan and nodded for him to continue.

"If you don't shut up, I will, rip your tongue out and feed it to your cat" Wow, he's.. wow. Declan threatened Matt? Makes me feel weirdly... thrilled. 

What? Declan doesn't show aggression towards anyone, seeing him threaten someone is exciting. 

"Acorn would never eat it!" Who in the hell names a cat Acorn? Was he high when he named it?

I saw Declan clench his jaw and it made him look so much fucking hotter and kind of turned me on. 

Just when things were about to get fun, my stupid ass phone ran and it was obviously my fucking dad who called me. 

"What? Now? But I-.. Yeah.. Okay.. Jesus Christ. what the fuck?... No I'm-.. Okay fine for fucks sake I'll come home asshole.. I- yes...yes sir.. yeah.. Okay.. bye.."

I hated when my dad made me call him sir. He threatened to end things with my mom if i didn't call him sir. 

I told Mallory that I had to leave and walked out of class. The teacher wasn't so happy seeing that I was just leaving since she started yelling for me to come back like she was a fucking prostitute wanting money from me. 

God I hated people like her. 

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