Chapter Twenty-Nine

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chapter nine 

"Declan, can I ask you something?" I yelled the moment I had made it inside my house. I heard a glass chatter followed by a curse and then footsteps. I turned around when I felt someone looking at me and there was Declan, glaring at me. 

"Did you have to scare me like that?" He exclaimed and crossed his arms over his chest. I chuckled lightly which only made him glare at me more. 

"What did you break?" 

"A fucking glass, Blake." 

"It's no big deal, bunny." 


"Oh fuck off, I get to call you whatever I want to call you." Declan rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. I could see a faint blush on his cheeks and almost smiled.

He got all shy because I called him bunny?


"Your name's Declan right?" He looked at me like I'd grown two heads. I internally face palmed myself at the question. 

Obviously his name's Declan, what the fuck am I even saying? 

"I mean- your middle name, it's Cerberus right?" He nodded, still looking at me like I'd grown two heads.

"It's just- My middle name's Ares, and maybe we were... you know.." 

"No, I don't know, Blake." 

"Maybe we were destined to be together. Ares and Cerberus are both greek, they're both from the god realm, right? Right, so I mean.. Maybe we were always meant to be soulmates, maybe.. our past selves were soulmates too.." I mumbled out the last part. 

I'm crazy, believing this could actually be true is like believing Cerberus is a dog. Which he is not, he's very much a person, a fucking hybrid. Some wolves, like me, believe that Cerberus was the one that created us, that he didn't like being the only  'human' that turns into a dog like animal. 

But the thing is, Cerberus is nothing like us, he's not got a full on 'human' form, he's still part animal even if he's in his 'human' form, and by that I mean that he's got ears and a tail, otherwise he's mostly normal. In his dog form? Fucking hell he's as big as a fucking house or even fucking bigger. 

"Yeah, maybe." Declan said with a smile and for the first time in forever, I felt like smiling. 

So, that's exactly what I did. 

I smiled. 

"Where's Ace?" I asked and Declan looked at me sheepishly, an even bigger smile forming on his face. 

"He's with Zach" I gawped at him. Zach? He's with Zach? Zach can't take care of himself, let alone a fucking child. 

"He's fine, Mallory's there too." I relaxed at that, Mallory was great with great with kids, Zach? God no. Declan leaned in and pressed a kiss against my forehead, I relaxed even more at that. I closed my eyes when he put his hand on my cheek and caressed it gently with his thumb. 

"I have to tell you something.." I opened my eyes slowly at that. Declan seemed nervous, maybe even scared. I let him take my hand in his and lead me to the living room. 

I sat down on the couch and watched as he started pacing around, most definately thinking of a way to tell me whatever he had to tell me. I wanted to know why he was so nervous of telling me, but decided to keep quiet insteaed of stress him out. 

"Okay.. you have to tell him this, he's your mate.. you can tell him everything, get a fucking grip Declan" I heard him mumble to himself. 

He's probably gonna tell me he works at some kind of human shop or something, which I wouldn't really like but it's not bad. 

What if he cheated on you? 

I froze at those words in my head. Maybe that's why he's so nervous.. he found someone else, he must've, he wouldn't be this nervous if he hadn't. 


"Wait, before you tell me.. can I ask you something?" I asked and he seemed confused for a second before nodding. 

"It.. has nothing to do with the fact that we're mates? Or like.. our mate bond?" Declan shook his head. I breathed out a sigh of relief, he didn't find anybody else. 

But he was still nervous about something. I got up slowly and walked up to his pacing form. I grabbed his bicep and forced him to face me. I searched his face for anytype of discomfort but found nothing but nervousness. I offered him a gentle smile and wrapped my arms around his torso, letting him wrap his arms around my neck. 

I buried my head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent deeply. I released some of my pheromones, wanting Declan to relax. 

"Thank you" I heard him mumble against me, I gripped him tighter. 

"You can tell me like this, or we can go to our bedroom and talk." I offered and heard his breath hitch. I pulled back so that I could look at him more clearly. 

"Our bedroom?" I frowned and nodded. Declan made a noise of pure happiness and my frown deepened. 

"Our bedroom?" 


"Blake, like our bedroom?" 

"Yes, our bedroom, Declan." He jumped on me and gave me a long hard kiss, causing me to lose my balance and topple over. Thank god, the couch was behind me if it hadn't been behind me I would've fell on the floor. 

I got up from the couch, holding onto the back of Declan's thighs and carried him to our bedroom. 

Only five chapters left! 

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