Chapter Twenty-Two

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chapter twenty-two

I glared at the ceiling above me as I tried not to wince when Ace touched the wound that was on my face, it was still healing.

I could tell he was curious about it.

"Ace, it'll get infected if you keep touching it" Declan said, I hadn't even noticed him enter my bedroom. Ace immediately stopped touching it and wrapped his arms around my neck, that was his way of saying 'sorry'. 

He didn't use words, not yet at least.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you I invited a friend over." I raised an eyebrow at that, since when the fuck did he live here? "She can heal your wound, she's a werewolf but she's connected to nature and stuff so she'll be able to heal you."

I nodded slowly. Don't know how I feel about someone that I don't know coming into my house just to heal me but if she's a werewolf that's connected to nature then I obviously want to meet her, do you know how fucking rare those are nowadays?

Super fucking rare.

"Lanie!" A voice from downstairs called. Who in the mother of fuck is in my house and why the fuck did they call Declan, Lanie?

"Oh, she's here." Was all Declan said before he rushed downstairs. I heard them talking but I didn't want to eavesdrop so I stopped listening to their conversation and instead focused on Ace, who had shifted into his wolf and tried to hide beneath my neck but since he had grown quite a lot he didn't fit. 

So instead he decided to curl up beside me and hide his face under my arm. I could tell he hated meeting new people, he got anxious but when he met Declan he wasn't anxious, I think he could somehow sense Declan was my mate. 

"Blake." I looked up when I heard Declan's voice, he was not alone, obviously. Next to him stood a girl much shorter than him, she looked to be at least 5'4, her blonde hair was up in a messy bun and she had a pair of round glasses on. Her bright green eyes locked onto mine and it felt like she was staring into my goddamn soul.

She was wearing a grey hoodie on with matching sweatpants. the glasses were definitely for her sight and not for fashion. The hoodie didn't look like hers, and she didn't look like she had a boyfriend so it was probably her dads, if she even had one.

"This is Ivy Greenwood, Ivy this is Blake Villin." Declan introduced us to each other, yet neither of us said anything to each other. I stood up and grabbed Ace at the same time, and I was much taller than her. She seemed surprised at my height when she had to look up at me when I came closer to them.

"Wow, you're taller than my dad and he's fucking tall" She blurted out, and I almost laughed. So she did have a dad, good to know. I just stared at her, she seemed familiar. I recognise her name, either I knew her or I had seen her name on some type of paper or article or something.

"Wait a second. You're that Ivy." Both her and Declan raised an eyebrow at my statement. "I mean like your name was on the news when you were like three or something."

Ivy's eyes widened and her breath hitched. I raised a brow at that, so she remembered? Or was this a surprise for her?

"You- How do you know that?" I frowned, how do I know? Or did she mean how do I remember that from so many years ago? 

"How do I know? I remembered it, I remember.. my grandmother telling me about it. I only remember it because someone important from the... Boyce family died. The only reason it made it to the news was because the guy who died had connections to the Red Moon pack and since like... the 1960's that pack has been the strongest pack in the whole goddamn werewolf world, well.. they're not anymore."

She looked like she wanted to break down crying and beat me to a pulp, bad subject I guess..? Maybe it was like.. her brother who died or something.

"I have to make a call real quick." Before she was able to leave Declan stopped her.

"Who are you calling?" I heard her mutter some words close to 'dad' so I guess she's calling her dad then.

I walked backwards until the back of my knees hit the bed and I let myself fall down. Ace yelped when my back hit the bed. I heard footsteps come closer to me and then stop. I looked to the side and saw Declan staring down at me in concern.

"Oh calm your tits, I'm not fucking dying" Declan rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed next to me. I didn't look up when I heard Ivy enter the room again. I only looked up when I heard a sniffle and was shocked to see she was crying. 

Literally weeping.

"The fuck you crying for?" I asked, bewildered. I looked at Declan who was seemed as shocked as me.

"I called my dad, he's coming here." My eyes widened even more. Am I going to get beaten up by her dad for making her cry?

Oh god above please save me.

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