Chapter Eight

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chapter eight 

I did what now?  

Turned my emotions off? 

Yeah, right. 

"What?" Zach breathed, looking at me in a way that seemed concerning, he was looking at me with worry, what the fuck happened to Zach? I want the old one back. 

"So what? Rather turn all my fucking emotions off than have them on and just use anger as a coping method" If they believe I turned my emotions off then I guess I'll just play along. 

I looked at Mallory, she had tears running down her cheeks and for once.. I didn't feel the need to comfort her and tell her it was okay, that I was okay. That was fucking weird

Both Zach and Caleb looked horrified. Zach looked like he was seconds away from fainting and Caleb looked like he was seconds away from vomiting.

Zander, however, wore a playful grin. I raised a curious eyebrow at him and his grin widened. Mallory, Zach and Caleb all whipped around to look at him, they were more shocked when he walked over to me and pulled me into a hug and patted my back.

"Welcome to the fucking club, brother. Let's be heartless together shall we?" I smirked at him when he pulled away.

"You..?" Mallory breathed and Zander rolled his eyes.

"Still can't believe you didn't notice. I literally had pale fucking blue eyes before, did no one actually notice that they got darker? Wow.. now I know what type of friends you guys are" I snickered.

When in the living fuck had Zander turned his emotions off and how the fuck did I not realise it? and what the fuck is fucking happening? 

"But you.. you still smiled! And showed how happy you were..!" Mallory exclaimed in disbelief. Like she could even believe her eyes or ears.

"Allll fake, sis." Zander drawled and I snorted. I elbowed him in the rib and he winced.

"You showed emotion now though!"

"That's because I turned off my emotions like years ago. They're coming back whether I want them to or not."

I hummed and crossed my arms over my chest. I still wanted them all to leave, they were in my house, without my permission.  And I wanted to know what the fuck had happened to me that made them believe I turned my emotions off. 

"He still wants us to leave" Zach whispered to Mallory. She looked at me with a frown before nodding.

"Bye.." she mumbled and took both Zach and Caleb's hands and dragged them out of my house. She came back and took both of Zander's hands and dragged him out of the house. He was grumbling and trying to pry her hands off but for an omega... she was fucking strong. 

Once I was sure they'd left, I made my way to the kitchen, where, usually my mom would be standing, even if she didn't live here, she came over everyday just to make sure I ate. 

One other weird thing about me, I didn't need food. 

It wasn't that I didn't like food, it was that it didn't feel necessary to eat it. You wake up, eat, wait a couple of hours and then eat again. It's tiring. Humans need food to survive, I don't.

I may be part human, but I'm more of a wolf than human. Every creature in the world has some type of connection with humans, like faeries, they're part human and part.. butterfly or something.

There aren't a lot of wolves that don't need me, there's a 1% chance that a werewolf pup doesn't need food to live. Why 1% you may ask? Because it's really fucking rare for a werewolf pup to not need food, usually when they grow up they start needing food but for some reason I didn't. I've never needed food, I ate because I liked the taste. 

Oh and the other reason for it only being 1% is because I am literally the only fucking werewolf not to need food. 

And I didn't need sleep either and I was, once again, the only werewolf that didn't need sleep. 

My wolf form has never been normal either. It's huge, about 6 feet tall. Usual werewolf wolves are about 3 to 4 feet tall. That's not the only difference I have with normal werewolves either, my fur coat is black, normal right?

Yeah that's where you're wrong, my coat has a weird shape on it too. There's this weird serpent looking thing on the side of neck. Every strand of fur has a tint of orange at the ends of it, my mum told me whenever I run towards her in my wolf form it looks like as if I'm on fire. 

I remember asking my mum about my markings but she would never tell me. My guess is that my so called dad isn't actually my dad. No werewolf has ever had the type of markings that I have.

I've researched that mark and the only thing I came up with was some type of recipe on how to make a snake soup, which honestly sounds disgusting. Oh, and some website that said that a serpent had some kind of weird connecting to the god Ares. 

I remember my grandmother telling me this one story that I loved, it was about Ares, the story said that he had black hair like the night and one gold coloured eye and one red. Which kind of—

"Oh shut it. As if I would somehow be connected with a fucking god." I mumbled to myself. 

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