Chapter Twenty-Four

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I listened to Such A Whore by Jvla while writing this chapter, it made me feel like a bad bitch.

chapter twenty-four

"Thank god you're here, they're demanding to talk to you" Zach said the moment he saw my wolf running towards him. He knew I would hear him even if I was far away. 

I kept running towards them and let my eyes wonder to the vampires and was not surprised to see Aedion and his wife Sage, who I was surprised to see though was their 16 year old son, Drystan, he could be younger for all I know. 

Vampires aged slower than werewolves, when Ace turns 18, Drystan is going to be like 20 years old, and he's probably going to rule over the vampires by then. Hopefully he won't be as horrible as his dad. 

I saw almost every one of the pack warriors there, they were surrounding the vampires, some in their wolf forms, some not. I saw Zander's wolf standing next to Zach and ran straight towards then. 

None of the vampires had seen me yet, I could make it in front of them without any type of trouble, I knew they had already smelt me but they didn't know where I was. 

Once I was close enough, I jumped over Zach and shifted mid air, I landed swiftly on the ground without getting injured. I saw Drystan take a step back and smirked. 

It was one thing speaking to a pack when their alpha wasn't there but it was more dangerous talking to talk the pack when their alpha was there. Drystan knew that, he knew I was the alpha and he probably knew it was a bad idea breaking the barrier. 

I cracked my knuckles and started walking towards the vampires, my pack following closely behind. Zach was walking on my right side and Zander was on my left, you could easily tell what rank they were in by the way they moved or how close to me they were. Zach was on my right because he was my beta and my right hand man, Zander was on my left because he was my gamma and Zach's right hand man. 

The others were just warriors. They did have different ranks, the more higher ranked warriors were closer to me while the lower ranked warriors were further away from me. 

"Villin, we're here with some news" Aedion's voice boomed and I almost rolled my eyes at his confidence. News? Really?

"My son, Drystan is going to be crowned king in some years." I stopped walking and one of the warrior wolves that were walking behind me bumped into me, I felt him stiffen behind me, his head still slightly on my thigh, I glanced over my shoulder and put my hand on his head and patted it once, telling him it was fine. Once he was sure I wasn't mad he stepped away from me. 

"And you came here to tell me?  We don't know each other." Aedion glared at me trying to intimidate me but I wasn't intimidated nor uncomfortable. 

"No, I wanted to make a deal." I raised my brow at that, a deal? 

"What type of deal?" I asked and glanced at Drystan who was looking at me with eyes that were saying 'please don't agree with his deal' I frowned slightly at that. 

"That once you have a child--" 

"I already have one" I interrupted and he glared at me before my words dawned on him and he laughed. 

"You have a child? Yeah right" He laughed but stopped when he saw my serious expression. 

"Well, the deal is that once your child turns 18, Drystan will mate them." My eyes widened and I was surprised that they didn't pop out of their sockets. My shock quickly turned into anger and I growled lowly. 

"Not one of my children are going to mate with you blood sucking creatures, have you forgotten that werewolves have destined mates? We can't choose our mates, fuckface." 

I felt Zander nudge his head against my thigh and I looked down at him and frowned slightly, he nodded his head behind me. I looked behind me and saw a speck of white fur running towards us. I turned to Zander and nodded my head towards it, telling him in my head to go meet the little wolf. 

I turned back towards Aedion and he was about to say something but stopped when he noticed something behind me. I felt a hand touch my hip and then arms wrapping around my waist. I knew it was Declan, I have no clue how he managed to sneak up on me though. 

Zander came back and was holding Ace by the scruff of his neck, he placed him down on the ground and Ace immediately went in between my legs and sat down and stared at the vampires, he didn't know what was happening but I think he could sense that the vampires weren't exactly friendly. 

I felt Ace move a little closer to me. I shrugged Declan's hands off me and crouched down and put my arm slightly in front of Ace. Declan took a small step closer to me. 

"You have a family." Aedion breathed out, his tone was cold and threatening I knew he was about to do something, he ran towards us and tried grabbing Ace but I shoved his hands away from Ace and stood up and shielded Ace with my body. 

I felt Ace's small arms wrap around my thigh but I paid it no mind. "Don't fucking touch him." I seethed at Aedion. 

"What're you gonna do?" He smirked and I glared at him. I looked back at Declan with a pleading look and I guess Declan understood my look, he picked Ace up and put his hand on the back of Ace's neck and let him put his head in the crook of his neck. 

"I'm gonna fucking kill you" I seethed. Aedion glared at me and tried to punch me in the face but I ducked and shoved him away from me. I made a motion with my hand towards Zach and he made the same motion with his hand to the rest of the pack, signalling them to back up. 

I lunged at Aedion and shifted mid-way and was about to claw his face off when he dodged my attack. I whirled around and growled at him. He glanced behind me and smirked, that was when I realised I had my back towards the other vampires. 


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