Chapter Twelve

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chapter twelve

There were people behind me, following me. Declan, Mallory, Zach and Declan's friend, Matt.

I growled low in my throat when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I could tell that it was Mallory but I didn't want them to be following me.

I took off my jacket and threw it somewhere. I glanced behind me and saw that they were still following me, they weren't as close as they had been but they were close enough to irritate the fuck out of me.

I took off my shirt next and glanced once more behind my shoulder, Declan and Matt were looking at me in confusion while Zach and Mallory were starting to walk faster towards me. They didn't want me to change, they wanted me to talk.

Did I care?


I crouched down and touched the ground with my hand and closed my eyes. I let myself calm down and focus on my wolf form. My bones shattered in my body, my body reforming into an animal. I soaked in the pain, letting it calm me down more as I became stronger and bigger than what I was. When I finally shifted, I find myself staring at the trees before me.

"Blake!" Mallory exclaimed when I had finally changed into my wolf form. I looked back and cocked my head to the side waiting for Mallory to continue talking. She didn't, she just walked up to me.

"Change back, let's talk, okay?" I rolled my eyes internally at her. I saw movement behind her and shifted my eyes to Declan who had started walking closer and my first instinct was to back away and run. But why the fuck would I do that? I'm not a fucking pussy.

Okay fine, I am a pussy, cause I did run away.

I heard Mallory shout my name and bones cracking. Of fucking course, they're following me in their wolf forms, Zach and Mallory. Zach knew when to leave me the fuck alone, he was my beta after all. He only did it because Mallory probably yelled at him to.

I looked to my left and saw Mallory, and to my right had to be Zach. I ran faster, I heard Mallory growl at me but I didn't slow down, I wasn't the fastest runner in the fucking pack for no fucking reason.

I let myself become one with my wolf, I felt everything, the tiny rocks under my paws, the constant ache that I had in my hip from a hunting trip gone wrong, the wind hitting me in my face and making my eyes water a little.

I slowed down when I heard the familiar sound of running water, I looked behind me and was relieved to see that Mallory and Zach where nowhere, they'd lost me. I sat down near the water, I loved this fucking place. Silent Hill, fuck, this place was fucking beautiful, and it sure lived up to it's name.

It was so fucking silent, except for the water running. This place was the only place where animals weren't afraid of me. Bunnies were coming out of their homes and approaching me, birds were landing on the tree branches above me, some even on the stones next to me, even a fucking lynx was approaching me.

I didn't really get this place even if I loved it. The animals were to friendly, it was like they didn't know that they were coming close to a predator that could kill them in an instant, and yes, I did just call myself a predator.

I'm a fucking wolf for fucks sake.

The bunnies that had previously gotten out of their homes were now laying either, next to me or on top of me. The lynx was somewhere next to me, one of the fucking birds had landed on my fucking head.

Do I look like a fucking tree to you, Bird? Huh?

Even if I moved a little none of the animals would move, they only moved if I changed back or stood up, and the animals on top of me would stay put until I lowered myself to the ground and let them jump off.

I heard a twig break and immediately snapped my head in that direction. I shifted my legs under me and moved my ass a little, so that the bunny on my fucking ass would jump off and it did, thank god.

I stood up, the animals that were behind me, not having a single fucking care in the world, they went back to what they had been doing like they hadn't heard a fucking twig snap, and maybe they fucking didn't, maybe I'm just paranoid.

I shifted back and stretched my legs a little. (Yes, he still had his pants on, and no, they did not rip when he shifted into his wolf form. Magic.) I walked over to where I had heard the sound and was, for once, fucking shocked.

I looked around and then back down at a wolf pup, a fucking wolf pup, not like a wild wolf pup either a fucking werewolf. It looked like it was just a couple of hours old but it was older than that, it was about 6 years old. Why would someone just leave their pup?

God I hated people who left their pups. The fuck am I supposed to do? I can't just pick it up and bring it home, now can I? I crouched down beside it and eyed it for a while.

I have to bring it home, don't I?

It'll die if I don't. I jumped back when the pup yawned and opened it's tiny eyes. It looked around, probably looking for it's mom, before it's eyes landed on me. I held my breath and stared at it with wide eyes when it got up and stumbled over to me. My whole body tensed when I felt the soft and wet nose of it's touch my hand.

Fuck. I can't take care of a fucking pup, I can't even take care of myself. I gritted my teeth and looked away when it looked at me, and I swear to fucking god, with the cutest puppy eyes I've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

It nuzzled it's face in my palm and I groaned internally, god, it's so fucking cute. It had fur as white as fucking snow and it's eyes looked like the fucking sky. I looked down at it again and made a noise of distress when it looked at me with those puppy eyes, that I now, loathed.

They were too fucking cute.

I looked behind me and saw a fucking army of bunnies, Jesus Christ they were fucking many and they were all looking at me like 'take that pup, if you don't we will chew your fucking balls off'.

So, of course, now I had to take it with me.

I groaned and picked it up with my hand, it fit in one hand. One. Hand. How in the fucking fuck is it so fucking tiny? Did it's mother not feed it?

It nuzzled itself against me when I held it with both of my hands. I started walking in the direction that I knew my house was in. This was gonna be a long fucking walk. Great. I looked down at the pup when it moved again and made itself comfortable by leaning itself on my chest and nuzzling it's face in the crook of my neck. I looked between it's legs to find out it's gender.

Ah, it's a boy.


If he fucking pees on me I will throw him in the fucking stream.

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