Chapter Thirty-Three

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chapter thirty-three 

Days after days and after even more fucking days. Thirsty was the only thing I felt. I was thirsty as fuck. I didn't have any water. I had been in my god forsaken basement for a week and I was already regretting my decision but I was not getting out. 

I don't want to see Nikias' stupid ghost. 

Ares had came looking for me too, but he didn't have the sense of smell like a werewolf and couldn't tell where I was. I think he knew I was in my house but he didn't find me. 

I rested my head against my knees and wrapped my arms around my legs. Declan wasn't coming back. 

He won't come back. 

He will. 

I felt my eyes start to sting and lifted my head to look up at the ceiling. I didn't want to cry. I had cried too much already. I closed my eyes and tried my best not to think of Declan. But that never worked, every time I close my eyes I thought of him. 

I'm sorry, Blake.. but this is the only way I'll be able to leave.

"Was it because I never told you I loved you? Was it.. because of my actions? If you would've just told me instead of leaving I would've tried making it better." I mumbled to myself. I felt a single tear run down my cheek and wiped it away angrily. 

I clenched my fist when my eyes started to tear up again. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I knew he would, I was ready for it but I wasn't ready for it to hit me this hard. 

His stupidly beautiful eyes. His stupidly soft and gorgeous hair, I hated him for making me feel this way towards him.  

If I could go back in time and reject him when I had tried to then none of this shit would've happened. I wouldn't have gotten attached to him. I wouldn't have started loving him. I wouldn't have started thinking of a futu--

"Blake?!" A frantic voice called out, I didn't move at this point I didn't care who tried getting me out of here. 

I heard a knock on the door and then saw the door knob rattle. I slumped back against the wall when I remembered that even a werewolf wouldn't be able to break through the door, it was made to hold back werewolves. I leaned my head against the cold wall and closed my eyes. 

"Blake, baby, it's me." That made me open my eyes. No one calls me baby, no one expect for Declan. 

He's not back. 

"I'm hallucinating. S-Some's playing tricks on me. F-First my dead brother and now my mate that left me?! What the fuck did I do to deserve this?! I never fucking did anything to anger you, you piece of shit!" I yelled while looking up at the ceiling. 

Can't the fucking moon goddess leave me the fuck alone. 

I started tugging at the chains roughly. I hissed slightly when the chains started digging into my skin but continued tugging at the chains. I yelled out in frustration when the chains started digging into my skin even more. I grabbed the end of one of the chains and tugged at it until it came out of the wall with such force I almost flew back if the other chain hadn't been connected to the wall. 

"Blake! Stop it! You're not hallucinating!" 

"Fuck off already!" 

I was too focused on getting the chains out of the wall that I didn't hear the door opening with a bang. I felt arms wrap around my chest and I relaxed slightly. 

"Blake, it's me, I'm here, you're not hallucinating. I love you okay? It's not a hallucination." Declan's soothing voice said and he tapped my shoulder with his finger three times. I let my head fall onto his shoulder. 

I felt him tighten his arms around me and I let myself relax even more in his arms. I could savour this moment. 

It's nice.

"Blake, I swear to god that this is not a hallucination." He murmurs into my ear. I shake my head and shove his hands off of me. 

"I know, but you're still going to leave me. Again." I said and slumped against the wall again while pushing him away from me. 

It hurt pushing him away. But it hurt more when he left me. He stared at me with a pained expression and tried to come closer to me but I flinched away from him. He froze, his expression becoming a horrified one. 

Why did I think he was going to hit me? 

I reached into the back pocket of my jeans and took out the key for the chains. I didn't want to stay down here anymore, not when Declan was here. I unlocked the chains and rubbed my wrists before standing up. 

I had to grab onto the wall for support since my legs felt pretty weak. Declan tried to help me by reaching out his hand and placing it around my bicep, I growled and shoved him away from me. I walked straight to the door of the basement and saw that my house was a mess. 

I start picking up the cleaning supplies and just as I was about to get to work, Declan yelled. 

"Blake, I'm sorry!" I turned around and stared at him blankly. 

"Sorry is not enough." 

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