EXTRA (2nd son)

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"You can't- Hold him correctly, Blake! He's not a doll!" Declan scolded, grabbing the poor baby out of Blake's arms, pausing to slap his chest. Blake scowled, looking down at his chest and watching as his.. Chest slightly jiggled. 

"You did that on purpose.. Didn't you?" He muttered, glancing up at Declan when he laughed. Blake rolled his eyes, coming up behind Declan to wrap his arms around him and look at his son. He had Declan's eyes and Blake's lips. 

"What should his name be?" Declan asked quietly, leaning his head back against his mates' shoulder.  Blake glanced over at his mate, admiring him for a second.

"What about Eden?" Declan hummed, looking up at his mate before giving him a smile. He still couldn't believe he was together with that hot piece of man behind him and that they now had two kids together. 

"That's perfect." He said, giving Blake a kiss on his cheek. Blake felt a tug on his shirt, already knowing who it was before even turning around. He grabbed Ace's out reached hands and lifted him up in my arms. 

Ace looked at Eden in awe, he had been the one to ask for a younger brother. Blake and Declan hadn't planned on having another child but because Ace had wanted someone to play with, they just had to get him a brother. 

They had been able to have a biological child with help from Blake's father. Neither of them were able to get pregnant because of the fact that they both had "Alpha" blood in them. Usually that wouldn't be the problem because each werewolf has a mix of Alpha blood and Omega blood, but in Blake and Declan's case they both had Alpha blood which was the reason neither of them wouldn't have been able to get pregnant. 

A/N and because I'm don't really know how to write mpreg. 

"Now you have a friend, Ace." Declan mumbled happily, looking at both of his sons. Ace smiled, rubbing his cheek against his father's shoulder. 

"Whens am I going to be able to play wit him?" Ace asked excitedly, causing both of his dads to frown. They didn't know how to answer, because they didn't know how fast Eden was going to age. 

He was an artificial of sorts, a being that was created by God technologies. Blake's dad had told them that he was going to age quite fast, in the early stages, he was going to become bigger quite quickly and learn how to talk faster than normal children. 

In a couple of months he was probably going to look like a 3 year-old and have the same sort of intelligence as one. Ares had said that after an entire year, he was going to start aging naturally. He was set to be 2 years younger than ace. 

"You'll be able to play with him soon, don't worry." Blake answered and Ace nodded happily going back to staring at Eden in awe. After a while Declan gave Eden to Blake, and he took Ace. 

Declan wanted to watch Blake feed Eden, he wanted to see how he'd do it. Blake wasn't oblivious, he knew he had a pair of... Man boobs as Declan would say, and that they were quite big as well. 

Blake knew why Declan had asked him to feed Eden. 

And he had decided to humor him by doing it. 

He grabbed the baby bottle that was filled with formula and went and sat on the couch. He rested Eden's head against his chest before he put the baby bottle against his son's lips. Almost as if he was in some sort of rush, Eden started drinking the formula heavily. 

"He looks comfy, dada." Ace pointed out, making Declan look at Blake and Eden. What he saw almost made him choke. 

Blake had his head leaned back against the couch with Eden in his arms sound asleep, his head being cushioned by Blake's chest. The baby bottle completely, empty and having fallen from Blake's hands. 

"Can I go and sleep there too?" Ace asked when his dad hadn't said anything. Declan just nodded and watched as his other son got on the couch and onto Blake's lap. 

Ace made sure not to lean onto Eden, resting most of his weight on Blake's chest. Ace grabbed his father's arm and threw it over him before he rested his head in the crook of Blake's neck. 

Declan put a hand over his mouth as to not make a sound, a smiled underneath his hand. Scrambling towards his phone to take a picture of the cute sight in front of him. 

Blake tightened his hold on Ace, still dead asleep, nothing could wake him when he fell into a deep sleep. Declan was tempted to join them, but he chose to do something else instead. 

He was strong, he could lift someone as big as Blake with no issue. He didn't lift half his weight for nothing. 

He wedged his arms between the couch and Blake, grabbing onto all of them in the softest way possible. He hoisted all of them up into his hold with no hardships. Walking up the stairs was the hard part. 

He had to walk sideways to not hit any part of Blake's body on anything. After more than 5 minutes he was upstairs, quickly walking to his and Blake's room and putting all of them down on the bed. 

Ace was still clinging onto his dad, Blake had a tight hold on both of them. 

Declan laid down beside them, putting his hand over all of them and nuzzling into his mate's back. Blake sighed in his sleep, as did both their sons as if they somehow knew they were all together. 

So far, 

They were on big happy family. 

I'm gonna turn into dust and just flow out into the air.



I've missed Declan and Blake, even though I do write about them in Ace's book but IT'S JUST NOT THE SAME. 

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