Chapter Seven

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chapter seven 

How the fuck am I supposed to start?

"So.. you know- fucking hell..." I trailed off. I don't know how to start! Or where to fucking start! 

Should I just tell him Hey we're mates, like soulmates, we're supposed to fuck! I know you demons choose your mates but you literally can't say no to this cuz if you do I may or may not die.

"Declan.. okay I don't know how to say this.. or where to even fucking start jeez.."

"just get to the fucking point Blake!" Declan said, he was growing irritated. He looks kind of hot.. okay start thinking with your mind and not your dick! But how am I supposed to do that when he looks like that? 

"hey, did you know selkie's are extinct?" Declan gave me a blank stare. Did he not know that? Was his dad like half-selkie or something?

"Yes, Yes Blake I knew that. I've known that since I was 2" I nodded slowly and rubbed the pack of my neck. I frowned, how did he already know about the Selkie's being extinct when he was 2?

"How did you already know it when you were two?"

"My mother told me." 

I cursed myself internally. Obviously, am I stupid? 

"Okay. I'll stop telling you unnecessary things. I'm just trying to.. not.. freak myself out by telling you the thing I have to tell you.. since I don't know how you're going to react.. just promise me something okay?" Declan nodded.

"Don't.. reject me.. please.." I whispered. I shocked both myself and him at the vulnerability laced in my voice. He had no idea what I was talking about. He reluctantly nodded.

"You and I, we're mates. Soulmates." Declan blinked, he tilted his head to the side and looked me up and down before shaking his head.

"No. No, we're not."

"What" I asked. 

"We're not mates. I didn't choose you as my mate. I would rather be mated to a human than you" His words felt like a dagger to my heart. I swallowed hard.

"How do you know?" I asked and he frowned. Jesus Christ how can he be so fucking cute, I'm supposed to be fucking mad at him. 


"How do you know? That I'm 100% not your mate" 

"I didn't choose you as my mate" He said and stood up, he made his way over to the door and stood there for a second before facing me. 

"I know how mates work, Blake. If you chose me then... that sucks for you because I didn't choose you as mine" My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. 

Chose him? Was I supposed to choose him? What..Wait.. Fuck! Demons choose their mates, Werewolves don't. 

"Wait hold on--" I started but he had already slammed the door shut. I saw his figure still outside the door. Did he just.. 

I frowned slightly when I felt pain in my chest. I put my hand over my chest and took deep breaths. My frown deepened when the pain grew stronger. 

I sat up and groaning slightly at the pain, it was growing unbearable fast. Weirdly fast. 

And then it just stopped, the pain went away. I frowned slightly but brushed it off as a part of rejecting process? He didn't really reject me. So the mate bond wasn't completely gone. 

I ripped the IV needle off my arm, I kicked the hospital beds covers off of me and stood up. Stumbling a little before I grabbed onto the night stand to regain my balance. I was glad to see that I was still wearing my jeans from earlier. My shirt however was nowhere to be seen. Ah, that's right, Mallory ripped it. 

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and walked over to the door. I could hear Declan's and my mom's voice from behind it. My mom was explaining to him what he had done to me and I didn't even want to hear it anymore.

I opened the door and walked out. Ignoring both of their presence. I heard my mum choke on air when she saw me, most definitely since I wasn't wearing a shirt but I didn't care.

"At least get a shirt on!" She said sternly and I stopped walking. I turned around and looked at her with a glare. Her eyes widened and a small gasp left her lips. She hadn't done anything, but the fact that she was trying to talk to me right after Declan had basically rejected me was annoying me.

I could see tears welling up her eyes and realised I didn't want to stay longer so I turned around and left the pack hospital. The last thing I heard my mom say, brought a chill up my spine.

"His eyes.. He- No.. he's turning into him.."

I could feel the eyes on me. I didn't know if it was because of the fact that I was shirtless or if what my mom had said was true. But who in the hell was him? My dad? 

I made it to my house and stepped inside. I could hear voices inside and my frown disappeared and I let out a low growl and the voices stopped. Why would someone come into my house without my permission or without me being here?

"Blake?" A voice called, I immediately recognised it as Mallory's. I knew she wasn't alone. I could smell three other people with her. Most definitely Zach, Caleb and Zander.

I heard rushed footsteps coming closer to me until I felt someone behind me.

"Blake...?" Zander asked, actually surprising me since he almost never talked. I turned around with a glare. All of their eyes widened and Mallory gasped.

"Blake wha—"

"Get out" I demanded lowly. They all stiffened but did nothing. They made no move to leave.

"Blake why are your eyes darker?"

"Out." I said once more but none of them went. They just stood there staring at me.

"I said.. Get. The. Fuck. Out." I growled. I didn't use my alpha voice. I didn't need to. 

"Don't tell me... Declan.. he.. rejected you...?" I stared at her blankly, he didn't reject me, at least he didn't say the right words to reject me if he tried to. 

"What?" Zach asked, I could tell he was beyond confused as to what Mallory was talking about and honestly, I didn't care, Zach was one of the most annoying wolves in the world, he was fun but annoying as fuck. 

 "Blake.. why... he turned his emotions off... " 

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