Chapter Thirty-Four

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chapter thirty-four

"I won't" 

"Please? For me?" 

"Fuck off, Zach."

"Give him a fucking chance! " Zach yelled in frustration. He had been bitching about Declan the entire time he had been here.

I looked at him with a blank expression which he grimaced to. He hadn't yet found his mate so he wouldn't know what type of pain I had gone through. 

I stood up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen were he was. I got closer and closer until I could feel his breath on my neck. 

"You don't know what I went through when Declan left. If your mate leaves you one day then you can come to me and talk about it, but you telling me to give Declan a second chance is not helping. So fuck off." 

I walked around him and out of my house. I sighed when I saw Declan sitting on my porch. I walked quietly over to him and sat down next to him. I saw him out of the corner of my eye look at me with a shocked expression. 

I leaned my head against his shoulder. I still hated him for what he did, but I couldn't hide the fact that I missed him. 


"Shut up you're ruining it." I grumbled and scooted closer to him. He leaned his head against mine and put his arm around my shoulder. 

"Does this mean you forgive me?" I heard him whisper and was about to shake my head but stopped when I realised something, he left because he had to not because he hated me. He had armour on when he left, so he had to have gone on some kind of mission or something. 

I sighed and nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck and nodded. "Yeah, I forgive you." 


"Son, I heard you killed Elijah's dad." I rolled my eyes at Ares' words. So what if I killed him, he had deserved it. 


"And I suppose your hands started glowing?" He stated and I nodded. I looked at him to see him looking at me with a smile.

"You're getting your powers." I smiled back at him. I was getting my powers, and that was just the start. 

I was just about to ask him about my powers when I remembered something. Nikias' ghost or hallucination or whatever. 

"Dad, I saw... my older brother's... ghost the other day... was... it.. real or a hallucination?" He looked at me with a frown and then stared out of the window.

"That's one of your powers. You can talk and see the dead." His words stunned me. 

I can fucking see the dead? 

That's cool as fuck. 

"How's it going with Declan?" He asked me and I smiled. 

It was going really fucking good. He had told me why he left, and that was because he had gone out to try and find his parents. Which he didn't but at least he tried. He did find out however that they were in the god realm. 

He had asked me if he could move in, which was a horrible question since he basically lives in my house already. He also asked Ace if he considered him as his other dad, which Ace answered yes to. 

The happiness in Declan's eyes was adorable when Ace had said yes. 

"Good, it's going really good." Ares smiled at that. We went back to light talk and then ended up watching a movie. 

One thing that I will have to remember my entire life is to protect Ace with my entire being. When he turns eighteen he'll have to be protected even fucking more. 

Hiii!! This last chapter was pretty rushed, yes I know I didn't really explain a lot of Blake's and Declan's relationship right now and how they left off but! If you guys want me to do an epilogue or extra chapters of maybe their wedding or even their first tiiiimmeee??? And even if they adopt another kid! 

I really really really hope you liked this book and you won't have to wait too long because I am going to make a book about Ace as well! So stay tuned for that. 


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