Chapter Eleven

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chapter eleven

He pulled away quickly not letting me process the weird hug thing or understand what the fuck just happened. His opened his eyes slowly and looked at me.

When in the fuck had he closed his eyes?

I stared at him and he stared back before his eyes widened and rushing out of the room. I stood there, bewildered, wondering what the fuck had just happened.

I don't know how long I stood there staring at the door. A part of me wanted him to come back and tell me why he hugged me, maybe even tell me he loved me as much as I already loved him, but he never came back.

Why would he of all people come back? He's like everyone else. My eyes narrowed slightly when the nurse came back. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

I knew her. She was the pack doctor. Yeah, they put a werewolf doctor in a high school, an underage doctor at that. She was fucking sixteen. Mostly because of the fact that there were more creatures in this school than humans.

I guess the supernatural worlds fights were more heated than human fights. I wouldn't know, I've never even been in a 'human' fight anyways. If you count the many times I've hit humans and others for bumping into me or staring at me, or humans thinking they could over-power me by hitting me in the face, a fight then, sure, I've been in loads of 'human' fights.

"What happened this time, brat?"

"Watch that mouth, Valley. I'm older than you and your alpha" She lowered her head. I almost snorted when I saw her hold back from lunging at me for using her real name.

Her name was Valley but she hated it, so she had basically forced everyone to call her Val instead. I never did.

What? I liked pissing her off.

I walked over to her and patted her head and stepped back when her fist came flying right for my face.

"Stop being such a wuss, Blake! Fight me!" She whisper-yelled. I raised a brow at her. Does she not realise how much stronger than her I am? Not because she's a woman or anything, many women could beat the crap out of me if I let them because women are strong as fuck.

But Valley?


She's like a stick compared to me. Or no, imagine I was a mountain and she was that tiny rock you find at the end of the day in your shoe. She was also an annoying piece of shit but she was my baby brother's girlfriend so I wasn't allowed to fight her.

Well, I didn't really care about the fact that she was my brothers girlfriend, I would still fight her but my mother would start scolding me if I did fight her, saying stuff like it wasn't a fair fight and I just hit a her for no reason.

If I was human? I would get such a goddamn beating I wouldn't even be able to see straight.

In the human world, nowadays you're able to work wherever you want? But you get frowned upon if it's a job not suitable for your gender. Like maybe a makeup artist, it involves makeup so people think only females are suitable for that job. It's like gender is everything for them. Females are 'supposed' to be girly while males are 'supposed' to be manly.

That's bullshit, in my opinion. Let people be whoever they want to be.

That's why we have ranks in the werewolf community? No, world? Yeah, world.

Like omegas, they're naturally weak, they're the second lowest rank and well they're usually the ones doing the most chores but omegas can always raise their rank somehow, maybe by saving the alpha of the pack or even helping out on hunts. The highest rank an omega can be is a pack warrior.

Alphas? You have to be born into an alpha bloodline to become one. They're, obviously, the highest rank. Basically, what an alpha has to do is, protect the pack, lead them and some other stuff I should know but I forgot.

"Valley, shut up, and continue doing your job as pack doctor alright?" I said and I saw her want to argue back but the fact that she was only a pack doctor held her back, that and it was like she had to obey me.

Our wolves could obviously lash out at each other the next time we see each other and we're shifted. Our wolves hold grudges and could easily fight. Yes, our wolves had minds of their own but they couldn't control our bodies or talk to us in anyway.

Millions of years ago werewolves and their wolf forms were able to talk to each other in their minds but through time that changed, we started relying on ourselves more and our wolves basically forgot how to speak, since we never talked to them anymore.

Kind of fucked up.

"I saw that.. Declan guy run out of here. What did you do?"

"Why does everyone think I'm always the fucking reason when people run away?"

She looked at me with a drool stare that told me are you fucking serious? Have you fucking seen yourself? I rolled my eyes at her and watched her when she gathered some herbs, that I didn't know the names of, and started to mush them together in some bowl.

"well? aren't you gonna run after him? He's your mate, right?" I sighed, mentally cursing my mother for opening her big mouth and probably telling the whole fucking pack. I shrugged and walked over to her and sat down on the couch beside her desk.

"I don't know"

"You don't know? What? That's he's your mate?"

"He doesn't believe it."

"Believe what?"

"That I'm his mate, goddammit!" I snapped, Valley looked startled, she had stood up and had backed away from me. "He doesn't fucking believe it! He told me that he would rather be mated to a fucking human than me! Don't you fucking get it?! He doesn't accept the fucking mate bond! But he can't stay away from me because of it! And that makes everything worse! You probably think I'm happy because he can't stay away from me, but guess what, it's the fucking opposite! I hate it! He doesn't get it! No one does! No one gets how fucking broken my heart already is and how close I am to ending it all! How the fuck is my so called mate supposed to help me when I can't even fucking help myself?! How is anyone supposed to help me?! I hate myself! Do you get it now?! Do you now understand why I don't want to be here anymore?!"

My breathing was ragged and I wouldn't be that surprised if everyone outside, in the hall, had heard me screaming my fucking heart out at her. I hadn't even noticed the fact that I had tears streaming down my cheeks.

Valley's eyes were wide, I was surprised they hadn't popped out of their sockets yet. I don't know if she was shocked by the fact that I had screamed at her or that I was crying. She opened her mouth to say something but I didn't let her, instead I stood up and walked out of the room and slammed the door shut.

All eyes were on me. I smiled bitterly and started walking towards the exit when someone grabbed my arm. I whirled around and was about to hit them when I saw who it was.

Who the fuck does he think he is? First stay behind to make sure I'm okay, then hug me, then run out of the fucking room after and now grab my arm? Really? Does he have a fucking death wish?


"Save it, asshole."

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